Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Origins of the Cold War Essay
A. Wellsprings of American Soviet Tension Had contrast taking into account post war world. US bolstered the view where countries surrendered customary military unions, and managed each other in a majority rule process, with a worldwide organization. as middle person. England and Soviets supported view where arrangement of customary European equalization of forces would reappear. B. War time Diplomacy By Jan 1943 a strain in relations with soviets was obvious as Stalin would not meet with Churchill and Roosevelt. The 2 declined Stalins’most prompt interest to have a 2 european fronts, yet guaranteed him that they would have unequivocal acquiescence of Axis forces and they would not keep soviets separate from harmony exchanges. In Teharan Conference relations among Stalin and Roosevelt turned out to be better as Stalin consented to enter Pacific once hotstilities in Europe faded away, and US consented to 2 front western war. Anyway there was strain on who might lead Poland once war was finished. They maintained a strategic distance from the issue by leaving it uncertain. C. Yalta In Feb. 1945the large three met in Soviet Union. Stalin was a guaranteed some area lost in Jap Soviet war of 1904, in pacific. Likewise consented to UN contract with a security board, with individuals from 5 significant forces. Issue of Polish government was undermined. Soviets had involved Poland and introduced the expert socialist Lubin Poles, yet in addition consented to allow in some majority rule London Poles into government. The fate of Germany was likewise uncertain. They concurred that after war each troop would control the piece of the nation they were in and reunification would happen sometime in the not too distant future. US needed Germany to be recreated, and rejoined, Stalin needed substantial reparations. The Yalta meeting evaded significant issues, and caused the three men to feel like they marked a significant record. Weeks in the wake of marking Roosevlt looked as Stalin introduced procommunist governments in a few countries and would not roll out the improvements he vowed to Roosevelt in Polish government. Roosevelt was inflexible that Soviets were adaptable, however would endure stroke and pass on in April 1945. II. The Collapse of the Peace A. The Failure of Potsdam A couple of days in the wake of taking office Truman, substantially less patient with Soviets chastised outside pastor for infringement of Yalta gathering. Anyway he had little influence as soviets controlled focal and eastern Europe and US was still in pacific war. Truman demanded getting 85% of what he needed however needed to agree to significantly less. Truman yielded Poland and perceived the noncommunist powers in the Warsaw government. To settle issue of Germany Truman met with Stalin and Churchill in Postdam, he acknowledged the acclimations to the Polish German visitor and however declined Russians to guarantee reparations from parts of Germany constrained by US French or Britain. This position clarified that Germany would stay partitioned. The western zone cordial to US, the Eastern to Russia. B. The China Problem For US any expectations of a serene world to materialize, China must be solid and free, anyway the Chinese government under Chaing Kai Shek was weak and clumsy. Chiang had secluded himself, reluctant to confront the difficult which were confronting him. He was in drawn out competition with multitudes of Mao Zedong, which was in charge of 1/4 the populace. US would siphon arms and cash to the Chiang. Rather, US presently hoped to Japan as an elective expert western power in Asia. US lifted all limitations, advancing indusrial advancement, and monetary development. C. Control Doctrine By 19445 the Grand Alliance was finished, and US was presently taking a shot at another control strategy. Instead of making an open world, they would work to contain the development of the Soviets. Truman gave his Truman Doctrine dependent on thoughts of representative George f. Kennan. US would help countries opposing sibjugation from outside sources or from furnished minorities. He additionally requested $400 million to support turkey and Greece, which would assist them with vanquishing socialist radicals, and built up reason for US international strategy for next 30 years. D. Marshal Plan American strategy producer needed to plan something for fortify professional American governments in Europe before socialists extremists annihilated them. In June 1947 Sec of State George C. Marshall proposed plan for monetary help to every single European country even Soviets to join program of recuperation. Soviets denied, yet 16 different countries joined. More than three years, $12 billion would be given to help sparkle monetary restoration. European industry rose 64% and made socialist quality decrease and US exchange chances to increment. E. Assembly at Home Bombed concurrences with Soviets over universal control of atomic weapons, caused America to increase its nuclear exploration. The Atomic Energy Commison was to direct all atomic examination regular citizen, and military, and in 1950 Truman aoorived advancement of ne H bomb more grounded than one utilized in 1945. The National Security Act made another Departmen of Defense which would supervise every equipped assistance. A National Security Council out of thw white house would administer forign and military approach. CIA would supplant wartime office of key administrations. What's more, participate in secret strategies for gathering onformation. F. The Road to Nato Truman agreed with Britain and France to blend their Germany zones into another western German Republic. Stalin reacted by forcing a tight barricade of western berlin, Truman would drop provided of food and fuel for ten months permitting a city of 2 million to make due during this time. Stalin would lift the barricade in spring of 1949. Germany was presently separated into 2 countries, Federal Republic in west and Democratic Republic in east. In April 1949 12 countries consented to arrangement pronouncing an assault on one was an assault on all. Soviet would do likewise with other socialist countries in Europe called the Warsaw Pact in 1955. G. Rethinking Cold War Policy A progression of occasions at end of 1949 impelled virus war new way as Soviets reported that they had tried their first nuclear bomb, and the Chiang Kai-Shek patriot government fallen and was supplanted by a socialist augmentation of Soviets. Us would decline to recoginize Chinese government and redirected thoughtfulness regarding reviving Japan as a support against Asian socialism. During this raised climate of emergency Truman required a through survey of forign strategy. The National Securty Report was given in 1950. The doc said US ought not depend on different countries to oppose socialism, US must stop development of socialism on the planet. It additionally called for 4x increment in US military financial plan. III. America After The War A. The Problems of Reconversion Monetary development proceeded after 1945, sparing from buyers during the war began a blast, as did a $6 billion tax reduction. The GI bill of rights, or Servicemen’s Readjustment Act gave houseing, instruction and occupation preparing to vets and expanded their spending. Genuine expansion cause costs to rise 15 % yearly, aggravating this was work agitation as significant strikes were happening in many ventures. In 1946 John Lewis drove the United Coal Workers out protesting for 40 days. Truman requested coal mineshaft proprietors to consent to association requests, simulataneously the nation’s railways shut down, anyway Truman undermined military mediation and the strike was over in a couple of days. Reconversion was hard for ladies and minorities who entered during wartime. Presently men where coming back from war and needed their old modern occupations back, numerous ladies intentionally gave them back yet as much as 80% and all minority men needed to keep employments. Ladies would look to different zones of the economy, predominantly the administration segment. B. The Fair Deal Rejected The Fair arrangement was a 21 point local program calling for extension of government disability benefits, legitimate the lowest pay permitted by law increment from 40 to 65 cents†¦ open works†¦ and different projects. In all he needed to announce a conclusion to wartime ban on liberal change. Anyway the Republicans would recover control of house and senate and lessen government spending and numerous different changes. The Taft Hawley Act would engage president to call a multi day cooling period before a strike. Truman would veto it yet congress overruled. C. The Elections of 1948 Despites aftereffects of the 46†² political race Truman was not prepared to abandon new arrangement. In 1948 he proposed major social liberties bill yet congress would vanquish them all. Tuman was attempting to construct battle issues. Truman had issue of disagreeability and debilitating help in the majority rule party. Souther democrats didn't care for the social equality bills. Others didn't care for the manner in which he managed Soviets. Republican had designated Dewey, appeared to offer phenomenal option in contrast to Truman. Truman called republicans do nothing †garbage. To sensationalize this he called uncommon meeting of congress, generally republican, they met for about fourteen days in which nothing was cultivated. Truman would win by a thin yet definitive edge. D. The Fair Deal Revived The new congress was as yet reluctant to reasonable arrangement yet gave some of what Truman needed. They expanded min pay to 75 pennies and hour, stretched out government disability to 10 million additional individuals, and National Housing Act manufactured 810,000 homes for low pay lodging. Anyway his endeavors for social equality, the abolishment of lynchings, survey charge, reasonable work all fizzled. Truman battled descrimination all alone, he finished descrimination in government employments, and attempted to destroy it in military. Permitted equity dept. to engage in discrinitory sculptures. IV. The Korean War A. The Divided Peninsula Toward the finish of WWII US and soviets had troops in Korea, Russians in left a socialist government with solid soviet soldiers, while us left an enemy of socialist with a little military. The shortcoming of South Korea made north need to rejoin the nation. Truman responded rapidly to the intrusion by sending constrained American military help. Soviets protetested the UN Security Council for
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Are Fast Food Restaurants to Blame for Obesity?
â€Å"If ever there were a paper title text uniquely designed for Jay Leno’s monolog, this was it. Kids’ taking on McDonald’s this week, suing the organization for making them fat. Isn’t that like moderately aged men suing Porsche for causing them to get speeding tickets? Whatever happened to moral obligation? †David makes a magnificent point as he opens his article, yet then repudiates himself by revealing to us that he trusts McDonalds is to be faulted for heftiness in America. It is my conviction that his whole article can be discredited in only two words: individual responsibility.Each individual is answerable for the choices that they make in regards to their wellbeing or any part of their life so far as that is concerned. On the off chance that we accuse drive-through eateries for making us hefty, where does the accuse stop? It is much progressively basic for guardians to perceive the requirement for moral obligation, since they are liable fo r their wellbeing, yet they are liable for showing their kids how to eat right and deal with themselves as they grow up. Some may contend that if inexpensive food chains changed their segment size or marked their items with nourishing data, that buyers would improve choices.If society is permitted to accuse corpulence for a drive-through joint, at that point it will begin a descending winding forever. Are club to fault for betting addictions? Are tobacco organizations to fault for malignant growth? With this outlook, one can do anything they need and never acknowledge obligation regarding any of it. Moral obligation must be fortified in the event that we will achieve anything. The just one to fault for the choice to eat a cheeseburger, bet away your salary, or light up a cigarette is the individual that makes the decision.We are seeing an ever increasing number of pointless claims clearing their path through the courts and judges are granting offended parties on even the most absurd suits. Indeed, drive-through eateries are terrible for our wellbeing, yet so are cigarettes and liquor. Betting is awful for our funds. Unfaithfulness is terrible for our relationships. Do we accuse the tobacco organizations? Do we accuse the liquor organizations? What about the club that draw us in and take our well deserved cash, or the TV and film makers that extol cheating?Not just does this disposition have an extraordinarily negative effect on our wellbeing and prosperity, yet it negatively affects our children’s. They are discovering that there is no responsibility for their activities. We would already be able to see this in the manner a few kids carry on out in the open. Guardians are likewise answerable for guaranteeing their children are getting a solid eating routine and some type of every day practice routine. It is very simple to just say â€Å"I don't have the opportunity to cook my children a solid supper since I work an excessive number of hours to take car e of the tabs. Perhaps we ought to ask ourselves, â€Å"Could I set aside enough cash by preparing solid dinners as opposed to eating out at drive-through eateries, which would permit me to work less hours? †I was overweight as a youngster but then my folks never permitted me to have inexpensive food. They weren’t exacting enough during supper and they permitted me to have an excessive number of bites. Since I was constantly required to clean my plate, I frequently ate past being full. This absence of judgment on my parent’s part had nothing to do with any drive-thru eatery. It had to do with my parent’s strategies for raising and training me.In all trustworthiness, my folks were at fault for my youth corpulence. David assumes that by driving drive-thru eateries to cut their segment sizes and mark their dinners with nourishment data, individuals will quit eating cheap food. Nonetheless, most supermarket lousy nourishment items are marked and it doesn't p revent individuals from buying them. Besides, decreasing segment sizes would just aim buyers to spend more to fulfill their cravings. This doesn't take care of the issue of heftiness, and furthermore adds to the proceeding with ruin of our economy and monetary instability.If I need an enormous fry and they just have little, I am increasingly adept to purchase a few smalls to get a similar measure of fries. While David’s article was distinctly about the job drive-through eateries are playing in the corpulence emergency, it is characteristic of an a lot more serious issue. Americans are accusing everybody except themselves for their activities and it needs to stop. In the event that we don't figure out how to assume individual liability over our ordinary choices, and we don't start to instruct our youngsters to do likewise, at that point numerous different issues other than weight lie in our future.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Can You Be Addicted to Your Fitness Tracker
Can You Be Addicted to Your Fitness Tracker Addiction Print Can You Be Addicted to Your Fitness Tracker? By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on February 07, 2020 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD on February 07, 2020 Rawpixel/Getty Images More in Addiction Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery In This Article Table of Contents Expand The Allure of Counting Steps Why Track Fitness How Effective Are They Next Steps Be More Effective View All Back To Top Smartwatches and fitness trackers have become a popular trend in recent years. These handy tools can keep track of your daily steps, heart rate, sleep, and more. They can be a convenient and even fun way of staying motivated, hitting your exercise goals, and challenging your workout buddies. While they are geared toward encouraging a healthy lifestyle, some experts worry that these devices might contribute to addictive behaviors and even exercise addictions. Do you check your step count whenever you’ve been out running errands? Or do you pace around the house each night to boost your numbers up over your daily goal? Or maybe you find yourself taking the stairs more or parking further from your destination just so you can get your heart rate up in your target zone. These kinds of behaviors probably mean you are benefiting from your fitness watch. Youre increasing your activity level each day in small ways that are good for your health. Or do you find yourself obsessively checking your steps and heart rate all day long? Are you setting increasingly unrealistic daily goals that involve working out for long sessions or even multiple sessions each day? If you’re engaging in these kinds of behaviors, it might be a sign that you are addicted to your fitness tracker. Signs You Might Be Hooked There are some signs that your obsession with your fitness tracker might be problematic:You keep increasing the length of your workouts because your tracker makes you feel like you need to keep doing moreYou neglect friends and responsibilities so that you have more time to workoutYou feel anxious, irritable, or upset when you are not able to use your fitness deviceYou feel like you dont have control over your behavior; you use your device more than you intended or workout more than you plannedYour fitness device uses up a great deal of time, interferes with other activities, or causes you to withdraw from other things you enjoyYou keep using your device excessively even though these behaviors upset you or you know that they are unhealthyYou feel very upset or even ashamed when you don’t reach your daily activity goal The Allure of Counting Steps There are a number of reasons why hitting a daily step count (often 10,000 a day) can be so appealing. It’s a very tangible, concrete goal, and wearing a device that tells you how far you’ve come and how far you have to go can feel very motivating. Having a daily step goal can give you the drive to move more during the day, which might help you make better choices such as parking further from your destination or taking the stairs.It can make you feel like you are taking definite actions towards your fitness goals. Your smart device not only tells you how many steps you’ve walked but also lets you look back at your history and visually chart your daily activity. This can be a compelling visual view of your progress.Tracking your steps can also help harness your competitive nature to work toward a healthy goal. Whether you are just trying to beat your own personal record or doing daily challenges with your workout buddies, having a little friendly competition can help keep you inspired to move more. Of course, this obsession with step counts can also be problematic. Failing to meet your daily goal can be demotivating. Rather than focusing on your progress, you might get hung up on your shortcomings. Another problem is that you might find yourself paying to much attention to an arbitrary number rather than focusing intuitively on how your body feels. Form, effort, and intensity all play an important role in workout effectiveness and injury preventionâ€"none of which can be fully captured by a fitness tracker. Paying attention to your heart rate can be helpful, but it still doesn’t convey what you are really feeling. You might find yourself working through soreness, pain, or even injury just to hit that step count goal. Why Track Fitness The goal of fitness trackers is not just to provide detailed information on behaviorsâ€"they are also designed to encourage you to make healthier choices. The goal is to get you “hooked†on your device so that you rely on its feedback and use that information to set goals, stay motivated, and stick to your fitness plans. Many indicators suggest that, if anything, wearable fitness devices may not be addictive enough. A 2016 survey found that wearable fitness trackers have a high abandonment rate, with approximately 30% of people giving up their smartwatches and fitness trackers because they did not find them useful or interesting. So even if you do track your steps and strive to hit that target 10,000 per day, just wearing your device might not be enough to help you stay on track. How Effective Are They While fitness tracker addiction has garnered headlines, most findings suggest that the majority of people eventually stop using their wearable devices. The question also remains as to how much these fitness trackers actually help people become more fit. The available research remains skimpy and largely inconclusive. Simply providing information about health does not necessarily result in changes in behavior. Researchers suggest that there is little evidence that wearable devices actually bridge the gap between tracking health information and making better fitness choices. One year-long study showed disappointing results in terms of effectiveness. The study looked at 800 adults who were divided into four groups. The first group wore a clip-on fitness tracker and received a cash incentive if they walked more than 50,000 steps a weekThe next group also received a cash incentive, but they were required to donate it to charityA third group wore the activity tracker but did not receive a cash incentiveThe last group did not wear a tracker or get a cash incentive The results were that while the participants in the first group did walk more for the first six months of the study, by the one-year mark, 90% had stopped wearing their activity tracker. The results indicated that an activity tracker had no overall impact on health, even when combined with a financial incentive. Another study looking at the impact of fitness trackers on weight loss found that people who wear these devices were no more active than those who did not. Perhaps more surprisingly, the study found that people who did not wear a tracker actually lost more weight than those who did. The available research suggests that the vast majority of people don’t get addicted to their fitness trackers and that most abandon their device completely in the first year. While this suggests that there is likely little danger of becoming too hooked on your device, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t possible, particularly if you tend to fixate on fitness or have an existing exercise addiction. Next Steps If you do fear that you might be addicted to your fitness tracker, there are some steps that you should consider taking: Set limits. If you are spending too much time looking at your smartwatch or exercising excessively each day, try to reign it in gradually by setting limits. Tell yourself that you will only check your tracker a few times each day. Restrict your daily step count to a level that is comfortable and not so high that it takes an excessive chunk out of your day to achieve.Use distraction. Find other things to do that don’t involve checking your exercise tracker. Engaging in hobbies or socializing with friends can help get your mind on other things.Skip wearing your device. While it isn’t necessary to give up your fitness tracker entirely, not wearing it on occasion can help keep you from being too focused on your daily step count.Remove fitness apps from your phone. If you find yourself getting too hung up on the data from your device, try deleting the corresponding app from your phone, at least for a while. It can be hard to keep your mind off your tracker if you are constantly receiv ing notifications. Talk to your doctor if your obsession with your fitness tracker is interfering with your daily life. You might have an exercise addiction, a form of behavioral addiction that can have a serious impact on your health and well-being. Make Your Fitness Tracker More Effective If you’re having trouble sticking to your fitness goals and have given up on your tracker, there are some things you can do to make these devices more appealing and effective. Researchers note that while fitness trackers and smartwatches often incorporate elements focused on changing behaviors, they may be more useful if they also work on helping people change their thoughts and attitudes about their ability to exercise. Some things that might make your tracker more useful: Have an action plan. Just tracking your daily activity isn’t enough. You need to come up with a detailed plan that shows how you will reach your goals, step by step.Start small. Don’t focus on hitting a step count that someone else has chosen or one that feels too high for your current fitness level. Pick a number that is right for you, do a little each day, and then slowly work your way up to a more ambitious goal.Focus on quality rather than quantity. Don’t get hung up on setting ambitious daily step goals. Research suggests that it is better to get a shorter, higher-quality workout than a longer, low-quality workout. It is also important to find ways to maintain your intrinsic motivation. Research has shown that when people receive external rewards for things they already enjoy doing, it reduces internal motivation, a phenomenon known as the overjustification effect. Data from a fitness tracker can become a form of extrinsic reward, particularly if you get hung up on hitting a count goal. One study found that people are more likely to stick to their exercise goals when they are motivated by intrinsic rewards (such as enjoyment and pride) rather than external ones. You can try to avoid this by focusing on the things that you enjoy about your workouts, such as feeling more energetic or being able to get outside and enjoy the outdoors. A Word From Verywell A fitness tracker can be a useful tool when used properly. Your device can give you helpful feedback about how much you are doing each day, but it is important to remember that it isn’t a quick fix. If you find that you are spending too much time thinking about what your fitness monitor is telling you, it might be time to get back to basics and pay less attention to your watch and more attention to what your body is telling you. What Is Exercise Addiction and Are You at Risk?
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Renewable Sources Of Solar Energy - 1223 Words
In August of 2003, the largest blackout in US history happened because of Ohio s failure to trim trees away from power lines. As a result, more than 50 million people in the Northeast, Midwest, and Canada were out of power for days. While Ohio is going back and forth on it its laws dealing with solar power installation, our friends across the Canadian border have already shut down the last of their coal powered plants. The current US power grid is over 100 years old and due to its heavy use, is getting weaker every day. Blackouts, power imbalances, power interruptions, and changing voltage levels are all too common today, especially in the summer (Weeks). Fossil fuels like coal and oil pollute the world we live in. Ohio is among the many states where laws are being put in place for states requiring it s energy to be obtained from alternative renewable sources. Solar energy is the best possible source, and Ohio should look to it for its future energy needs. Solar energy is defined as energy from the sun. The most common type is the use of Photovoltaic solar cells which convert the sun s energy into electricity, like those found in solar panels. Besides solar, Ohio gets it s energy from several different types of renewable energy like wind, hydro, biomass/fuel and geothermal, and other sources likes coal, natural gas, and nuclear (Green Energy Ohio). However, solar has the most benefits with the fewest impact on the environment and it s resources. Ohio currently hasShow MoreRelatedRenewable Sources Of Solar Energy1150 Words  | 5 Pagesimportant argument regarding energy and its sources. Energy resources are classified into two groups: renewable and non-renewable. Although renewable sources have not yet been exploited to their maximum, their use has been increasing since the 1960’s. The main renewable energy sources are Wind, Geothermal, and Solar energy. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Zoot Suit Free Essays
Richard Martinez Professor George LIT413 September 29, 2011 Theme Essay Today there are many different pieces to choose from in literature. This paper will be discussing the two novels of Zoot Suit by Luis Valdez and The Milagro Beanfield War by John Nichols. Zoot Suit is also a play and The Milagro Beanfield War was made into a film. We will write a custom essay sample on Zoot Suit or any similar topic only for you Order Now Zoot suit is actually the first Hispanic play to be written. It is to be the only Hispanic play that exists today. The main character in Zoot Suit is Henry Reyna the leader of the 38th street gang. The main character in The Milagro Beanfield war is Joe Mondragon a hardworking family man. These two pieces of work have some of the same themes but one that stands out the most is the Hispanic culture. Zoot Suits Description The main character in the novel Zoot Suit is Henry Reyna and he is the leader of the 38th street gang. There is also the narrator which was called Pachuco meaning a Hispanic gangster who dressed really nice in that time in a Zoot Suit, clean cut, slick back hair, and belonged to a neighborhood gang. A Zoot Suit is a suit that has a long coat with wide shoulders, baggy pants but cuffed tight at the bottom with a big chain hanging on the side from the wallet pocket to the front belt loop. Hispanic gangs have been around for years now and are still on the rise. Many Hispanic gangs set new trends and tried hard to fit in with others. In the 1940’s Zoot Suitors’ were the popular gangs of the Hispanics and even some African Americans. In this story there was even a Caucasian in the 38th street gang. The Zoot Suit gangs originated in Los Angeles and expanded to New York and other big cities. Henry Reyna Henry Reyna is a young man trying to join the navy. Henry ends up getting blamed for the crime Pachuco committed. Henry was tried with many of his Zoot Suit amigos. It was a fishy trial to begin with his only way out was to be convicted and filing for an appeal. During the trial Henry’s defense attorney was incapable of getting any objections. The judge was Caucasian and was prejudice and was on the prosecutions side. During this time frame Hispanics were not treated very well. In the 1940’s Hispanics were looked down on. Hispanics were at the bottom of the food chain. Many time Hispanics were frowned upon because of the crimes committed by Hispanics and not the good things that were done by Hispanics. Hispanics were always stereotyped by Americans. Language In Zoot Suit there is strong language used. There is also Spanish used as well as Spanish slang. Many nicknames were used to refer to certain people. There was also profanity used that made the book more exciting to read. It brought out the emotion in characters. Enrique Reyna, Henry’s father mentioned that calling Hispanics Chicanos means trash and to say Mexicanos instead because it is a better term to use. Many of the terms used in this book are only going to be heard by veteranos today, or Hispanic gangs. Huisa today is not a common word used in today’s society. Conclusion Zoot Suit and The Milagro Beanfield war are both Hispanic novels that are similar to one another in many ways. The themes for these novels are culture and pride between the characters of Henry Reyna and Joe Mondragon. These two individuals are both strong individuals that carry a lot of pride because that’s the way that Hispanics carry themselves. Hispanics fight for what is right. Today Hispanics still get mistreated because of their skin color and the gangs that they affiliated with. Both Henry Reyna and Joe Mondragon had to deal with the people in order to accomplish their goal. Henry Reyna had to fight to prove his innocence. Joe Mondragon had to fight to have his beanfield. Another common thing in these novels is Hispanics fighting Hispanics. This situation still exists in society today. Not just Hispanics but everybody is trying to fit in. ? References Nichols, John. The Milagro Beanfield War. New York, 1974, 1994. Print. Valdez, Luis. Zoot Suit. 1992. Print. How to cite Zoot Suit, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Why being late to school is bad free essay sample
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Friday, March 27, 2020
Adrienne Richs Revision Essays - Feminist Theory,
Adrienne Rich's Revision The author writes about her personal experience as a woman writer in a male dominated society. Her essay consists of poems, which she had written throughout different times in her life, to demonstrate the transformation in her writing. As a woman writer in a male dominated society, Rich begins writing in the traditional style, "the man's way," but as she continues writing, Rich breaks from these traditional styles to form her own. Like Freire, Rich believes people should break from society and be able to think and question things for themselves. While Freire wants to change the educational system, Rich wants to change writing. Both Freire and Rich want to break from the traditional ways of the past. Rich believes that women need to break from the enduring attitudes of traditions which society has placed upon them. Rich is upset with the limitations placed on women in society, particularly in marriage. It is for this reason that the themes of many of Rich's poems are advice for women to live life for themselves, listening only to what their hearts tell them. The three poems "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers," "Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law" and "Planetarium" are analyzed to demonstrate the changes in Rich's way of writing. Rich wrote "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers" in 1951, while she was a student. At this time in her life she conforms to tradition in her writing, and tries not to identify herself as a female poet. Rich does not identify herself as a female poet by detaching herself from her character and allowing her character to accept the life that man has placed upon woman. Rich's writing is constrained by man because she allows her character to be oppressed by man and does not make her a conscious being of oppression. In "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers", Rich writes about a woman who does not break from the accepted roles of society. Aunt Jennifer does not have the freedom to live for herself because of society's expectations on women. The only way for Jennifer to free herself is by making up a fantasy world. The author writes about the universal issues involved in the relationship between men and women, in where woman is a slave to man. Rich writes "the massive weight of Uncles' wedding band"; Aunt Jennifer is pinned down, the "band sits heavily in her hand", the image of the wedding band brings a feeling of slavery and fear (608). Rich's tone in the poem is observant and she makes it clear that she does not want to live a life like Aunt Jennifer's. In the poem Rich makes Aunt Jennifer distinct from herself by placing Aunt Jennifer into a different generation, breaking any connection between the author and the character. Rich's writing structure in this poem contains the real life within the fantasy life. The first stanza of the poem is about the proud tigers. The second stanza is about terrified Aunt Jennifer. The third stanza refers to the continuation of the second stanza and then to the tigers. In this way, by starting the poem with the tigers and ending with the tigers, Rich is containing the real life within the fantasy, in reverse of Aunt Jennifer, whose inner life is contained within her outer life. In this poem Rich portrays what can happen to an individual who accepts the fate prescribed by custom. The overall message is that men suppress women. "Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law" was written when Rich was experiencing herself as a woman. During this time, society believed that women were put on this earth to make a family and take care of them. During this time in Rich's life, she was very occupied with being a wife and a mother; because of this she did not have time to think or write. She wrote this poem in fragments of time, while her children were taking naps. "The poem was jotted in fragments during children's naps, brief hours in a library or at 3:00 A.M. after rising with a wakeful child"(611). "Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law" is a poem about a woman who is hearing voices that are telling her to resist and rebel but can not obey them. The woman wants to rebel against society but she will not, because society does not accept this kind of behavior. Rich still writes the poem in the traditional way. The woman in this poem thinks about rebelling but does not actually rebel; therefore Rich is still accepting the oppression on women. Until this poem Rich tried not to identify herself
Friday, March 6, 2020
Loonie Talks essays
Loonie Talks essays For many Canadians the value of the Loonie is a sensitive subject; the ever rising and falling of the dollar effects the everyday lives of Canadians. The value of the Loonie is like any other currency and rises and falls with global trends, yet, the largest economic trend to influence the Loonie is that of the United States. With a lower Loonie value against the US dollar Canadas exports become more appealing to foreign investors, this theory has been influential and exercised in recent Canadian governmental history. A strong Loonie is also good for the Canadian government as it encourages foreign investment and is much more lucrative for importers. The everyday lives of average Canadians, not just those involved in world economic systems directly, are influenced, changed and shaped by the value of their dollar: the Loonie. The Canadian economic system is influenced drastically by the cycles of the American system; the US cycles help set the future path for the Loonie and its users. Canada and the United States are the only G7 nations in the Americas this fact isolates these two countries and ties them closely together economically. With the United States being such a super-power within global markets Canada is forced to take a back seat and follow the cycles of its neighbors to the south. Whether the Loonie is strong or weak against the US dollar both a positive and negative effect are simultaneously taking place on the lives of Canadians. The value of the Canadian versus the US dollar also influences the personal lives of Canadians; the value of the dollar determines luxuries such as travel, retirement and even the consumption of foreign goods. The ever fluctuating Loonie value has its pros and cons for all Canadians. A lower Canadian dollar visvis the US dollar makes products manufactured in Canada relatively cheaper for foreign buyers and makes Canada a major competitor in the global market. This relatively simpl...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Intel Corporation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Intel Corporation - Case Study Example Cliff Edwards (2006) mentions the changing culture in the Intel Corporation. During the term of Andrew Grove, his motto was "Only the paranoid survive". He and former chief Craig Barret introduced the manner of giving out money to some computer makers for joint advertising. During the term of new CEO, Paul Otellini, his diplomatic nature made him adopt his motto of "Praise in public, criticize in private". (Edwards, 2006) Edwards (2006) mentions the changes that are pushed by Intel Chief Marketing Officer Eric Kim on the Intel brand. Kim suggested to stop the manufacture of old models that were created during the tenure of former Intel Chief Executive Andrew Grove and focus on the new ones. Kim wanted to retain the Pentium brand. Figure 1 shows the evolution of the Intel brand logo from which according to Edwards (2006) had a "dropped e" until the new Intel brand logo which according to Jeff Adkins (2006) is to be launched in 2010. Intel's CEO Paul Otellini supported the move of reforms on the company. He wants to produce products not only for personal computers but also on consumer electronics, wireless communications, and health care. Edwards (2006) identifies the reason for this change which was the decreased revenue growth for computers because of added competitors like mobile phones that also have features similar to computers. Aside from Intel's main products, the microprocessors, Otellini wants to produce all varieties of chips and software and combine them into "platforms". (Edwards, 2006) III. STRATEGIC CONTROLS AND IMPLEMENTATIONS In response to the reported drawbacks during the 2nd quarter of 2006 wherein Intel Corporation placed behind its rival chipmaker Advance Micro Devices Incorporated (AMD), Edwards (2006) reports that Intel Corp. began decreasing its prices of computer chips by at least 200 U.S. dollars. It also introduced its new processor the Intel Core 2 Duo which runs twice the performance of Pentium 4 desktop chips and saves more energy for laptop computers. For the older Pentium processors, Intel will continue manufacturing them for the people who have low budget allotted for purchasing computers. Edwards (2006) argues that if there will be a price war between Intel and AMD, Intel will come out benefiting from its larger sales through lower costs. Intel has better manufacturing techniques which give the company the room to lower its prices that will not affect the overall profits. Edwards (2006) adds that AMD can match the technology Intel has by the second half of 2007. (Edwards, 2006) Aili McConnon (2007) reports a manifestation of the vision of Otellini of developing products aside from computer microchips. The company has been developing a highly developed version of motion capture in which people will not need remotes to change the channels and volume of their televisions. (McConnon, 2007) This strategy is one way of promoting the brand in the entertainment arena. Bruce Einhorn (2006) cites another move for the company in making its products accessible by many people and the Kim's vision of improving the lives of people. In the case of China were Internet Caf computers reached 11 million units in 2006, the Intel management created a system in assisting in the management and update
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Effectively Managing Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Effectively Managing Organizations - Essay Example The success of an organization depends on how effectively it manages its human resources. The purpose of this paper is to understand how to effectively manage an organization, especially one that has a culturally diverse workforce. With globalization more and more companies are setting up operations in foreign locations. As a result diversity issues have gained greater importance. Diversity issues if not managed at the right time and in the right way may result in loss of time, money and efficiency. It may also create tensions between people of different race, gender, ethnicity, abilities, age, etc. Increase in conflict always lead to loss of productivity. An organization will not be able to attract and retain talented people of different backgrounds. The need of the hour therefore in today’s world of globalization where many organizations have a diverse workforce is to build effective teams that can efficiently manage diversity and resolve conflicts that may arise because of diverse views. Diversity is not just about ethnicity, race and gender as many people think. It is much broader than that. According to Loden and Rosener (1990), diversity includes age, ethnicity, ancestry, gender, physical abilities/qualities, race, sexual orientation, educational background, geographic location, income, marital status, military experience, religious beliefs, parental status, and work experience. These factors affect the performance and success of an organization. They also affect interactions with others. Hence it is necessary that diversity when present in an organization must be managed. Managing diversity is defined as "planning and implementing organizational systems and practices to manage people so that the potential advantages of diversity are maximized while its potential disadvantages are minimized," by Taylor Cox (1994). Any organization to be effective and to meet customers’ needs has to be flexible and adaptable. Managing
Monday, January 27, 2020
Explore The Background To Change Affecting Pizza Hut Business Essay
Explore The Background To Change Affecting Pizza Hut Business Essay Pizza Hut is one of the flagship brands of Yum! Restaurant Int. which also has subsidiary businesses and famous brands like KFC, Taco Bell, AW and Long John Silvers under one brand umbrella. It is the worlds largest pizza chain more than 13,000 restaurants across 97 countries. Pizza Hut increases his operations in last five years. In India, Pizza Hut has 143 restaurants across 34 cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Banglore, Chennai, Kolkata, Pune and Hyderabad. Great taste and quality, variety of pizzas and trademark dining experience have made it possible for the company to for double-digit growth and scale up its presence to its current size. With a 27 per cent market share of the eating-out market and over 70,000 footfalls per day across the country Pizza Hut started its business from India in 1996, and opened its first restaurant in Bangalore. Pizza Hut maintained significant growth and acquires a maximum share of pizza market and sustained growth rate of above 40 per cent per annum. Pizza Hut operates through 95 outlets across 24 cities in India which gave employment nearly 5000 people by the end of 2009. Pizza Hut invested about US$ 35 million in India so far through YUM! Corporate franchisee Brands Inc is the owner of worldwide chain of pizza outlets listed in Fortune 300 Company .Since 2008 it generated more than $36 million through sales. Task 1 Outcome: Explore the background to change affecting the organization Change can be implemented through various models such : Kotters eight step change model ADKAR Model Business process re-engineering Kotters eight step change model 1. Increase urgency inspire people to move guide and group them to make objectives real and relevant. 2. Build the guiding team Make the groups with the right people in right place with their appropriate skills and levels. 3. Get the vision right Arrange and make the team to establish a vision and strategy focus on creative aspects which is necessary to drive service and efficiency. 4. Communicate for buy-in Involve as many people possible for improve the work, exchange of information and communication between the essentials and give response if any needs from people. 5. Empower actions Processing to Remove obstacles, make promotive feedback and support from leaders and top management for reward and identify progress and achievements. 6. Create short-term wins Set objectives and aim which are easy to obtain in big size substantial work. Manageable numbers of initiatives. Finish current working functions and stages before starting new objective function. 7. Dont let up Promote the growth of the institution and relating work and encourage determination of ongoing change support and encourage ongoing progress which reports highlight obtained and big significant prospective work. 8. Make change stick Recruitment promotion and change of leaders which enforces the value of success.[emailprotected]_pg4.html?cat=3 ADKAR MODEL Change often brings high levels of stress and disturbance to people.ADKAR change method in the corporate world often eliminates many of the negative and harmful effects associated with new procedures. 1. Awareness. Gives benefits to all levels of staff and aware them about need of changes to the organization, changes for the sake of seldom is useful. Change is to apply for improvement of the business operation which helps to be competitive in market. This is very necessary for success. 2. Desire. It is necessity that management responsible to encourage the desire of their employees to support and be active by participating in the prospective change in organization. 3. Knowledge. It is managements responsibility to provide the training and education to its employee change methods of the new procedures, and software. Sometime it is useless to do work in change environment without sufficient knowledge about the goals desired by organization. 4. Ability. After getting a desired knowledge employee is involved needs to be given the training to achieve and set to new change to be made which affects successful for organization. 5. Reinforcement:- According to study it has proven that any person who perform and repeat the task continuously for 21 days, it will become a habit of that person whether it is good or bad for him. Reinforcing new habits of the employees improve the success of the change made. Business Process reengineering Business process reengineering is a radical thinking of organizational process; this is a very fundamental consideration. This a fundamental and prime steps undertaken to enterprise resource planning implememtation.basically BPR analyses and suggests the structural changes to be made for organization. This identify very important because it helps organization should be customized and design itself to become ERP friendly. If organization is unable to stands with the external changes then the best way to manage is adopt the changes according to environment and apply the changes in it. Study has been proven that if any changes are imposed in organization then sudden changes are not all time works in proper way because the improper method applied to it. It need plan to apply it; this can be avoided by the use of BPR in practically. Davenport (1992) prescribes five approaches to BPR model which are follows: 1) Develop business vision and process objectives 2) Identify business process to be resigned 3) Understand and measure the existing processes 4) Identify Information Technology levers. 5) Design and build a prototype of the new processes (valuebased management, 2008) Pizza Hut has recently undergone a huge change to enhance the business and to give better service for customer; this is due to demand from the customers and improvement suggestion. According to responses Pizza Hut made some changes in their services some of them listed below. Franchise system: System adopted for store forcast, monitor performance, worker uses and food ordering and inventory management of business. One specific reason behind adopting this to apply technology and service better through management information system. Now these systems are supported by a skilled internal team to make sure customers get the best use from them. (A pizzahut fanchise, 2008) Leadership Style: In running business with standard models and ideology of leadership there was something missing about the importance of human beliefs they need some changes and they made it in practical life importance of the human heart in driving a companys human drive and path of success to inspirational motivation in change management situations. Real time performance reporting Development in technology which can monitor the progress of business anytime, anywhere via remote log-in functionality. Online recruitment system for the applicants and team members only who meet the minimum success criteria added to shortlist. Online training for managers and team members. Digital marketing including online and mobile handsets. First of all let us understand the meaning of strategic intervention:-It is a technique of influencing element that is used to modify the existing elements of business process there are three standard strategic intervention methods namely. HR intervention Strategic leadership Team building HR intervention: There are different issues and procedures needed to run business organization and being success to achieve their goals. Human Resources comply with these procedures very well.they prepares organization guide for the managers, performance management, succession planning systems, and several other works for the betterment of organization. So HR intervention is always necessary, it stays the organization up to date with legal compliance. Strategic leadership: Strategic leadership involves managing through others, managing entire enterprise, making changes according to requirement. Managing human capital is very critical skills of strategic leader. Commercial innovation, and manage the knowledge is also major functional activity of the leader. Its very important to obtained a good strategic leadership for success of an organization. Team Building: A team building can be defined as a group of people who collectively work towards a pre-defined goal utilizing experience and knowledge in an office helps to nourishes better and open communication between the employees themselves, it also makes fosters to develop the relation between employees and the higher management. It goes a long way in improving professional relation. Team building in the workplace significantly contributes towards employee motivation and building trust among the employees, thereby ensuring better productivity. Human Resources intervention techniques I would recommend in introducing ` change: Since last five year we have seen drastic changes in other departments of Pizza Hut. Whatever the changes made it is working very well. Changes they adopt technology, leadership style and franchise system going well. This is internal part of the business which is basic and playing important role in upgrading the function of business. On the other side of business and decision making there would another change to be happening in Pizza Hut. Human Resources is major body of an organization i.e. Pizza Hut. HR is also responsible for other operations of business issues like training programmers, individual growth of employee. Career make progression path drive the culture of Pizza Hut. Finance and accounting is vital for Pizza Hut. But i personally think that they are giving much importance to their function because lack of decision making process, delaying in improper assessment of payment of employees, so there would be need for the change in the same. More than 13,000 thousand employees are working on weekly payroll system and 2000 are working on monthly basis, in present company is using bureau system. it need change to innovative technology for accessing the payment system. The functionality and flexibility of the new system would make simple and help for further improve the HR and payroll services which provide for all restaurant teams. After all Salaries is simply a payment for the supply of services to the company. Wouldnt HR be better off focusing on Employee Development and other training programmes, rather than dealing with errors in the payroll. Task 2: Outcome:- Understand Issues relating to strategic change in the organization a) Following some generic background relating to strategic change has been introduced in Pizza Hut which shown good improvement in companys progress. Here I also elaborate some functional areas which have changed it drastically. 1) Customer expectation: Fast food industry is growing day by day, and new varieties of food are coming in market. so the customers expectation are growing more and something different from other food companies. Food market is going global means international food tastes are available in many restaurants. So the variety of taste demands more from consumers. There is need to fulfill the customers expectation about the change. 2) Competitive edge: In global market there is always a competition among the food companies. Pizza hut also facing a tough competition. Dominos pizza is a major competitive player of pizza hut holds approximately 20% of market as compared to pizza hut is 46%.remaining market share is hold by small companies nearly about 32%. So planning and strategy is important to be competitive in market by making some different kind of variety pizzas, pastas etc. 3) New technologies: Sometimes only advertising is not the only way to sell the product, technology will definitely play important role. For pizza hut upgrading technology, advertisement through social networking websites, Online advertising, mobile marketing, sponsorships, tie up with local but popular brands, etc are technological ways to get marketed. Online advertising, mobile marketing, sponsorships, tie up with local but popular brands etc. need for change for better result. 4) Economic changes in market Every year there is a fixed budget to run the business including the extra money is given to them for flexible financial operation. But external environment are not remains constant, like economic policy of government, prices of commodities, increase in tax impacts the financial policy of business, pizza hut is direct customer oriented business so if the external forces or environment changes it directly effect on business so they need to change at that time. Drivers that motivated Pizza Hut to above consider Change as follows: Technological Advances Loss of markets Economics Technological Advances: To attract customers and to give him better and fast service it is necessary to adopt of technological changes, so it could help them to be competitive in global market. if we consider pizza hut there is good scope to introduce Online ordering system, discount E-coupons, Happy hours schemes etc.result of this new technology adoption pizza hut could get good response from customers, these technological advances will give satisfaction of good service to customers, instant service. Loss of markets In competitive market the business progress is reflect by their market share data. Loss and gain of market share is depends upon quality and service given to customers, so it is a very critical to obtain a market share and keep it progressive. Pizza hut is a competitive with dominos pizza, compare between them is at present pizza hut is holding approximately 46% and dominos 20%.this means dominos losses their market compare to pizza hut. So in business, market share is plays important role for prospective growth of business. Economics Every business organization having its own economic policy to run business in market. business economics is diversified towards market means external forces always impact internal structure of the economic policy of individual organization. Financial status, liquidity of funds etc are related to finance matters of company, demand and supply are integral part which depends upon the requirement from the external market, external forces such as economic downturns,policy,inflation and deflation in market, interest rate, are directly affect economy of business. If Pizza hut is doing their business so above economical factors effect on pricing of product increases in pizza prices due to cheese price increased. So above three are main drivers of change in business organization. 2.b) The main resources that pizza Hut needed for the implication are as follows: 1) The HR department: It has a desirable reputation and is a fully integrated part of the organization, playing a key role in most business decisions. HR supports the restaurants and the Restaurant supply chain where it is really needed. Pizza Hut made good improvement in human resource so ensure that 70% of all vacant positions are filled internally. Pizza hut also arrange annual achievement award programmes to employees who achieved special in current year. Fast-moving, sociable atmosphere keep by company to work friendly in workplace. If HR failed to respond to need for strategic change then it could be going difficult to handle the training programmes, supply change management system, decision to give a better prospective to company then HR should not be failed work. 2) Information technology: Pizza hut shown its changes in IT department since 5 years. IT department doesnt just cover the RSC but its responsible for all the systems across more than 680 Restaurants. Company upgrade IT services which are looking at the process of bank reconciliations, maintaining infrastructure. IT reduces the work pressure and give more accurate service, so in pizza hut for customer satisfaction it plays very critical role because ordering the menus, online order coupon etc.are targeted online customers. If IT failed then it will directly impact on turnover of business. so IT must work regularly and perfectly. As a department were very dynamic and forward-thinking, driving change from the inside of the organization out. Whats more youll benefit from the long-term job security of working for a big global brand and enjoy a favorable work/life balance, without compromising on the sort of technical challenges that keep the job interesting. Task 3 Outcome: Develop systems for understanding and involving others in the process of change a) Key stakeholders Tricon global restaurants: TGR is a famous largest restaurants company with brand name Yum! based in Louisville, KY having restaurants with more than 36,000 restaurants in over 110 countries and territories and more than 1 million associates. Yum! Is got his position numbered #216 on the Fortune 500 List, with nearly $10 billion in revenue in 2009. Four of TGR restaurant brands  KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell these are the global player of the chicken, pizza, Mexican-style food and quick-service seafood categories. Suppliers: Suppliers to pizza hut for the products like toppings, cheese,chicken will help to make the product more successful and give assurance that the product will not make a loss to company. Suppliers are always belief on pizza hut for making a good relationship between them. They is interdependent to each other. They have bound to give good business to each other in any circumstances. So supplier is also major stakeholder of pizza hut. Customer and public: Customers and the public the final major stakeholder of pizza hut because will be the ones that will buy and consume the product, every company design their product keep in mind to customers only. Not all stakeholders want the same thing. So besides industrial stakeholders or any other business organizational stakeholders are indirectly dependent upon consumers and customers. Proposed system to involve stakeholders in the process of change By taking a thread of above discussion about the stakeholders in Pizza Hut, like business organization, suppliers, customer and public. We are going to make a proposed system or any model to describe the involvement of above in the change of an organization. We have discussed Tricon Global Restaurants, suppliers, and customers as a public. So Pizza hut need to be any change in future for making any business strategy, company should consider above participants for decision making process. To expand or to make objective of company pizza hut to discuss all the ideas and matters regarding to funds within the corporate context to its business enterprise stakeholder i.e. TGR because this company invested a major money and gives financial support to pizza hut. So the concern about TGR is must for pizza hut. Secondly suppliers who give his best service by supplying cheese, pizza bases, toppings, paperroni etc. to make product like pizza and other variety products. Customers and public without it would not be possible to achieve success for any company because they are the final destination where any product gets consumed from the market. So public are crucial part of the business organizational change. Now we can interrelate the above categories in following manner Tricon: Financial support to pizza hut. Suppliers:-Immediate supply of cheese, cheesebase, supply on demand. Cutomers and public:-final destination of consumption. b) By considering the above factors which are involves in system change management also have some advantage and disadvantages described below. Advantages: 1) If Stakeholders is a business organization then good advantage is fund flow from such a stakeholders is always good on the other side they also have investor of another companies which will beneficial to make their business grow in market and wider range of objectives. 2) If the stakeholder is major stakeholder in company then his company personally incorporates in financial matters of investing company for getting better business in market. Disadvantages: 1) We know that supplier is a playing a key function in business but he is not only one to whom company liable to tie up for business. Pizza hut cant concentrate his function on suppliers to give specific business from him. and totally depend on demand from the external environment. 2) Pizza Hut business is running only upon consumers. Where they always have their likes and dislikes. taste and variety of foods, different menus, and special deal on menus are the main attraction of customers.if the pizza hut is able to give good service then it directly affects the profit of the business. 3.c) Change management strategy with the key stakeholders 1) Identify stakeholders: Stakeholders can be identify by making survey and ability of stakeholders to take stake in relative company, think of all the people who are affected by stakeholders work, who have influence and power over it. 2) Prioritize stakeholders: our company has a long list of people and organizations who affected by our companies work. May be some of them having a power to block or advance.and another one is they are interesting in our companies work. 3) Mapping profiles of stakeholders: Pizza Hut can map the profile of stakeholders in four categories: High power, interested people: these people our company must fully engage and make the good efforts to satisfy. High power, less interested people: Limit the work with these people to make them satisfied but not beyond their capacity. Low power, interested people: keep communicate with these people adequately and talk to them to ensure that no major issues are arising. These people are always be helpful and concerns about project work of investing company. Low power, less interested people: keep monitor these people but not exceed communication about certain limits. ( Mind Tools Ltd, 1996-2011) d) Strategy for managing resistance to change is discussed as follows. 1) Open communication :- Pizza hut undergone changes in last five years, company needs more changes to be done in nearest future I would be started with open communication with employees ,workers, and other participants of business .first I would like to tell them why we need the changes? Then which change particularly they need and what are benefits for all peoples relating to it. Open communication always plays crucial role because with this we can exchange the information of both the sides and understand the opinions. so it is very good medium to managing resistance to change. 2) Involvement: I would like to discuss about the role of employees and worker in Change in pizza hut would also change their role and gives more responsibility and will increases the opportunities on achievement, also to give specification on involvement in decision making process that could motivate employees. 3) Feedback:- Getting feedback from the employees,subodianates is always important because it helps to understand their views and opinion about change happened in organization.So it would be a better way to managing resistance in change in organization. Task 4 a) I here chose McKinseys 7S model for implementing change of Pizza Hut: 1) Strategy:- Pizza hut strictly follows norms to attain the quality product for best operational strategy to attain the customer satisfaction namely C.H.A.M.P.S a) Cleaningness: Of all restaurants to give quality foods and serve better to customers. b) Hospitality: Good way of communication, respect and entertain customers. c) Accuracy: Serving food in time with accuracy and maintaining quality of taste. d) Maintenance: Handling of staff, relationship with customer, and servicing of equipments. e) Speed:- delivering food in time 2) Structure:- Consider an individual outlet as a business organization pizza hut design their management structure like support manager who manages the shift of working team member, deputy designed manager handling training of new recruits, deputy manager works for operational departs like profit and target business, restaurant general manager looks for the functioning of all finanve,orders,quality.etc 3) System:- The great thing about pizza hut is ,it is a business of franchises system, Delivery system is a major function of business and almost 20% of orders done by delivery mode.frinchises and head office staff work are closely together to achieve their objects. 2010 What Franchise Magazine 4) Shared values:- Pizza hut have a special quality of organizational life. Cultures determine much of every transaction happens which is centralize across an organization. While managers are aware of their cultures, they are often unsure about how to influence.emlpoyees and each participants in pizza hut business respects the beliefs and principles of pizza hut. 5) Skills:- Pizza hut is always respecting the skilled employees, something innovative and different ideas are always welcome in pizza hut, new recruiters also get training to ensure and to put up their skills from knowledge to practicle life. 6) Style: Every menu of pizza hut has its unique style; they always try to make something different from other competitors recipe. Unique approach to customers attract with diff.styles adopt by pizza hut. 7)Staff: Pizza hut staff members always like to greet and serve the customers and preparing great food behind the scenes, team members are friendly, outgoing and eager to please. They are passionate and enthusiasms tic, they have ability to handle fast paced working environment. b) How would you implement one or more model(s) in your chosen organization, what improvements do you expect to achieve by implementing your chosen model(s), and how would you measure these? (AC: 4.2, 4.3) 4. b) Change Implementation Plan with Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR): Business process reengineering is a radical thinking of organizational process; this is a very fundamental consideration. BPR analyses and suggests the structural changes to be made for organization. Implementation of BPR in pizza hut explained below: Davenport (1992) prescribes five approaches to BPR model which are follows: 1) Develop business vision and process objectives: A vision of the Pizza hut after the change takes place; the school which provides high quality education with new technology and supports updated curriculum that helps to increase the ratio of university entrance exam success Pizza hut holding a great share in US and European market rest of these they want to dominant in china brands with profitable expansion. They have good plan to be the best at providing branded restaurant choice with multibranding. 2) Identify business process to be resigned Day by day competition being so strong in food servicing industry. There will be a threat of imitation products which will surely be a problem to be dealt with. So in future if other imitated products come in market then pizza hut will have to adjust or to find out variety of product to accommodate change in market. 3) Understand and measure the existing processes If we consider the promotions and marketing of pizza hut they may have to be bigger and better than the competition of nowadays, if think about product development the product may need to be altered to give it that little bit of competitive edge. Forexample stuffing the crust with cheese or giving a free topping with the purchase would help give Pizza Hut an edge over the competition. 4) Identify Information Technology levers. See pizza hut using IT since many years and changes has been made according to requirement. in the IT business context the online ordering system will going to be very competive,so that we need to be adopt more technological appliances and advanced technology in prospective years. 5) Design and build a prototype of the new processes If we basically think about the business process it will need flexibility in operation and product life cycle stages to be a market leader. It will need a great marketing plan which will be suited in new product segment .Promotion and advertising will be using for marketing so it will make target a very profitable. Reference Internet References. 1) (A pizza Hut company, 2010) 2) (A pizzahut fanchise, 2008) 3) (A Associated Content , 2011)[emailprotected]_pg4.html?cat=3 4) (A kelly services incorporation, 2011) 5) (Strartgic leadership) 6) (A, 2010,2011) 7) (A Yum corporation , 2009) 8) ( Mind Tools Ltd, 1996-2011) 9) (magazine, 2010)
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Racism in the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn
Huckleberry Finn is a wonderful book that captures the heart of the reader in its brilliance and innocence. Despite many critics have attacked its racist perspective;the piece merely represents a reality that occurred during antebellum America,the setting of the novel. Twain’s literary devices in capturing the focal of excitement,adventure,and human sympathy is a wonderful novel that should be recognized,not for bigotry, but that it is the candid viewpoint of a boy that grew up in that era.And even then,the protagonist does overcome some social prejudices of slavery because he is concerned with the well-being of his runaway slave friend Jim. That the mockery of the slave race in the end allowed by Huck is more about fulfilling the awes of Huck towards Tom. The novel is a success because it does not fail to capture the one singular point of growing up for Huck:boyhood. Mark Twain definitely characterizes the protagonist,the intelligent and sympathetic Huckleberry Finn,by the di rect candid manner of writing as though through the actual voice of Huck.Every word,thought, and speech by Huck is so precise it reflects even the racism and black stereotypes typical of the era. And this has lead to many conflicting battles by various readers since the first print of the novel,though inspiring some. Says John H. Wallace,outraged by Twain’s constant use of the degrading and white supremacist word‘nigger’,†[The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is]the most grotesque example of racist trash ever written†(Mark Twain Journal by Thadious Davis,Fall 1984 and Spring 1985).Yet,again to counter that is a quote by the great American writer Ernest Hemingway,†All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn†¦it’s the best book we’ve had†¦There has been nothing as good since†(The Green Hills of Africa [Scribner’s. 1953]22). The controversy behind the novel has been and will always remain the crux of any readers is still truly racism. Twain surely does use the word‘nigger’often,both as a referral to the slave Jim and any African-American that Huck comes across and as the epitome of insult and inferiority.However,the reader must also not fail to recognize that this style of racism,this malicious treatment of African- Americans,this degrading attitude towards them is all stylized of the pre- Civil War tradition. Racism is only mentioned in the novel as an object of natural course and a precision to the actual views of the setting then. Huckleberry Finn still stands as a powerful portrayal of experience through the newfound eyes of an innocent boy. Huck only says and treats the African-American culture accordingly with the society that he was raised in. To say anything different would truly be out of place and setting of the era.Twain’s literary style in capturing the novel,Huck’s casual attitude and candid position,and Jim ’s undoubted acceptance of the oppression by the names all signifies this. The thesis has three chapters. Chapter one is introduction of the whole work. Chapter two give some information about the criticism literature. Chapter three give a deep look at the research about the racial problems in the book Huck Finn. Chapter four is the conclusion part. 1 Literature Review Literary criticism is an attempt to evaluate and understand the creative writing,the literature of an author.Literature includes plays, essays,novels,poetry,and short stories. Literary criticism is a description,analysis,evaluation,or interpretation of a particular literary work or an author's writings as a whole. Literary criticism is usually expressed in the form of a critical essay. In-depth book reviews are also sometimes viewed as literary criticism. Controversial in death as he was in life,Mark Twain has been seriously accused by some of being a†racist writer,†whose writing is offensive to bla ck readers,perpetuates cheap slave-era stereotypes,and deserves no place on today's bookshelves.To those of us who have drunk gratefully of Twain's wisdom and humanity,such accusations are ludicrous. But for some people they clearly touch a raw nerve,and for that reason they deserve a serious answer. Let's look at the book that is most commonly singled out for this criticism,the novel that Ernest Hemingway identified as the source of all American literature:The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. For Twain's critics,the novel is racist on the face of it,and for the most obvious reason:many characters use the word†nigger†throughout.But since the action of the book takes place in the south twenty years before the Civil War,it would be amazing if they didn't use that word. A closer reading also reveals Twain's serious satiric intent. In one scene,for instance,Aunt Sally hears of a steamboat explosion. â€Å"Good gracious! anybody hurt? â€Å"she asks. â€Å"No'm,†comes the answer. â€Å"Killed a nigger. †But anyone who imagines that Mark Twain meant this literally is 580 SCIENCE;TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION2010 5? missing the point.Rather,Twain is using this casual dialogue ironically, as a way to underscore the chilling truth about the old south,that it was a society where perfectly†nice†people didn't consider the death of a black person worth their notice. To drive the point home,Twain has the lady continue: â€Å"Well,it's lucky,because sometimes people do get hurt. †That's a small case in point. But what is the book really about? It's about nothing less than freedom and the quest for freedom. It's about a slave who breaks the law and risks his life to win his freedom and be reunited with his family,and a white boy who becomes his friend and helps him escape.Because of his upbringing,the boy starts out believing that slavery is part of the natural order;but as the story unfolds he wrestles with his conscience,and when the crucial moment comes he decides he will be damned to the flames of hell rather than betray his black friend. And Jim,as Twain presents him,is hardly a caricature. Rather,he is the moral center of the book,a man of courage and nobility,who risks his freedom–risks his life–for the sake of his friend Huck. Note,too,that it is not just white critics who make this point. Booker T. Washington noted how Twain†succeeded in making his eaders feel a genuine respect for'Jim,'†and pointed out that Twain,in creating Jim's character,had†exhibited his sympathy and interest in the masses of the negro people. †The great black novelist Ralph Ellison,too,noted how Twain allows Jim's†dignity and human capacity†to emerge in the novel. â€Å"Huckleberry Finn knew,as did Mark Twain[Ellison wrote],that Jim was not only a slave but a human being[and]a symbol of humanity†¦ and in freeing Jim,Huck makes a bid to free himself of the conventionalized evi l taken for civilization by the town†–in other words,of the abomination of slavery itself.In fact,you can search through all of Twain's writings,not just the thirty-plus volumes of novels,stories,essays,and letters,but also his private correspondence,his posthumous autobiography and his intimate journals,and you'll be hard put to find a derogatory remark about the black race–and this at a time when crude racial stereotypes were the basic coin of popular fiction,stage comedy,and popular songs. What you find in Twain is the opposite:a lively affection and admiration for black Americans that began when he was still a boy and grew steadily through the years.In a widely praised post-Civil War sketch titled†A True Story,†for example,he wrenchingly evoked the pain of an ex-slave as she recalls being separated from her young son on the auction block, and her joy at discovering him in a black regiment at war's end. And on those occasions when Twain does ventur e to compare blacks and whites,the comparison is not conspicuously flattering to the whites. Things like: ?†One of my theories is that the hearts of men are about alike,all over the world,whatever their skin-complexions may be. †?†Nearly all black and brown skins are beautiful,but a beautiful white skin is rare. ?†There are many humorous things in the world;among them is the white man's notion that he is less savage than all the other savages. †2 Methods/Research Design The null hypothesis for this research is that half of the university students study literature will think that there are racial discrimination in the book Huck Finn and others won’t. 1000 students in their third and forth years of university will be the subject. They must never see the book or the movie of Huck Finn. They come from both big cities and rural area. They are divided into four groups.The first two groups(each has 250 students)include the students from big cities,par t of them students from rural areas. First,all of them will hear the story of Huck Finn. Then they wi answer relevant questions about the images of Huck Finn in th questionnaires and during the interviews. The questions are about th using method of language,the plot design and the thinking of Huck,et Finally,the movie of Huck Finn will be shown. Students will describe th image of Huck and their views about racial problems in this book According to their answers,different answers will be divided into differen groups.After these works,comes the analyses of the statistics and dat After comparing the answers of the four groups,gives the conclusio whether literary students from big cities and from rural areas have th same opinion of the racial discrimination in this book. As expected,half o them will have the same opinion and half of them won’t. 3 Anticipated Results 3. 1 Time-Table My studies will last more than two years. I decide to spend about 5 hours per month on my studies. I plan to spend the first six month developing my proposal and methodology and completing the literatur review.During this period,I will also attend some relevant courses abou reader’s response theory. Then I will spend about six months i questionnaires and interviews. After that,I plan to spend eight months i analyzing the statistics and data. Finally,four month will be used mainl on the thesis. February 2008–Aug. 2008 *Develop proposal and methodology and complete the literatur review *Attend some relevant courses about reader’s response theory Aug. 2008–Feb. 2009 *Design the questionnaires Collection of official and unofficia statistic Feb. 2009-October 2009 INTERVIEWS October 2009–Feb. 2008 *Analysis the statistics and data *Mainly work on the thesis 3. 2 Anticipated result University students from different countries will have differen opinion on the same thing. As expected,half of them will have the sam opinion and half of them won’t. However,if the result doesn’t suppo my anticipated result,I will try to find the weakness of my researc design,and improve it. Then do the research again and again. If I als can not get the anticipated result,I will accept the result with a scientifi attitude.http://42explore. com/litcrit. htm
Friday, January 10, 2020
Economic Effects of Immigration in the Philippines
Ten Economic Facts about Immigration INTRODUCTION The Hamilton Project believes it is important to ground the current immigration debate in an objective economic framework based on the best available evidence. In this policy memo, we explore some of the questions frequently raised around immigration in the United States and provide facts drawn from publicly available data sets and the academic literature. Most Americans agree that the current U. S. immigration system is flawed.Less clear, however, are the economic facts about immigrationâ€â€the real effects that new immigrants have on wages, jobs, budgets, and the U. S. economyâ€â€facts that are essential to a constructive national debate. These facts paint a more nuanced portrait of American immigration than is portrayed in today’s debate. Recent immigrants hail from many more countries than prior immigrants; they carry with them a wide range of skills from new PhDs graduating from American universities to laborers wi thout a high school degree.Most recent immigrants have entered the United States legally, but around 11 million unauthorized immigrants currently live and work in America; the majority of these unauthorized workers settled here more than a decade ago. Each of these immigrant groups affects the U. S. economy in varied ways that should be considered in the current debate around immigration reform. Immigrants now comprise more than 12 percent of the American population, according to recent estimates, approaching levels not seen since the early 20th century.Today’s controversies over immigration echo arguments made a century ago during the last immigration peak. While the demographics of U. S. immigrants have shifted dramatically, the concerns voiced about the social and economic impacts of immigration strike a familiar chord. A major economic concern is how immigrants influence the wages and employment prospects of U. S. workers. The economic impacts of immigration vary tremendo usly, depending on whether immigrants are unskilled agricultural laborers, for example, or highly skilled PhD computer scientists.Although their consequences are often conflated, it is constructive to examine the impacts of low-skilled and high-skilled immigrants independently. Another point of controversy in today’s debate involves the impact of unauthorized immigrants on our economic wellbeing. The best estimates suggest that 28 percent of the total foreign-born population could be unauthorized. According to the Pew Hispanic Center, roughly 60 percent of these unauthorized immigrants are from Mexico. (However, unauthorized immigrants make up only about 21 percent of U. S. residents of Mexican heritage. When possible, we try to differentiate the figures to more closely understand the different effectsâ€â€positive or negativeâ€â€that unauthorized workers may have on the economy. Of course, there are many factors at play and the economic evidence is only one piece of t he puzzle. These facts are designed to provide a common ground that all participants in the policy debate can agree on. In the months and years ahead, The Hamilton Project will return to the issue of immigration as we offer policy recommendations on the economic issues facing the United States.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Descriptive Essay - Never Forgotten - 1126 Words
Never forgotten The sky was beautifully clear and blue, the sun was shining with its rays beaming down on everyone, soaking up the environment. The sand rolls into the bluish warm ocean water, creating the calming and peaceful atmosphere that this beach is known for. Standing on that beach at the beginning of summer reminds me that my vacation has officially begun. I could not ask for anything more. I used to go to Virginia Beach in Chesapeake, Virginia at the end of every June. During the day I swam; I felt the warmth of the summer breeze surround me, and I just would lay in the ocean, letting its depth take me over as I relaxed my body like nothing else mattered. The water reaches eighty, especially in June. Swimming in the ocean is more satisfying than taking a bath. There is something about the ocean, or maybe just this ocean, that relaxed my body; it allowed me to feel completely comfortable and without stress. So many summertime memories rush to my mind while recalling this bea ch; there were those long days spent at the beach, with packed lunches, coats of sunscreen, and kids building sand castles. The days, however beautiful they may be, turned to an absolute disaster. I used to go to the beach right before sunset, and watch the sky as I walk with my friends. We used talk and laugh along the waves, which was never boring but it was time consuming. Reaching the nearby harbor, my friend Aiman suggested that we rent a boat into the ocean. None of us were sure that itShow MoreRelatedWhy I Write By George Orwell912 Words  | 4 Pages In George Orwell’s â€Å"Why I Write†, he explains the different motives rhetors have when writing books, essays, poems, etc. He explains where he falls on the spectrum of reasons for writing and how his motives have changed and transformed over the course of his lifetime. 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