Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Reconstruction of Fairy Tales Essays
Reconstruction of Fairy Tales Essays Reconstruction of Fairy Tales Essay Reconstruction of Fairy Tales Essay Reconstruction of Fairy Tales People can transfer a fairy tale from generation to generation and learned from it. However, these days, children rarely come into contact with the complete fairy tales because they always read fairy tales through TV, magazines, etc. These media will always simplify the full text of fairy tales by cutting parts that seem not affect the plot of the story such as the Disneys animated version. But this simplification indeed minimized the value of the story and fairy tales became nonsense pastimes. The story telling is a means of teaching the child the social norms of their nation. There as a time when female writers were led to believe that their gender prevented their works from being taken seriously. Patriarchal gaze which occupied the right in literature discourages women from fully experiencing their sexuality in writing. However, contemporary writers and directors attempt to rewrite and remake fairy tales, let alone their desire for artistic creativity through editing new books, movies as an entertainment. Revised contemporary fairy tales with narratives opposed to simplification of stories and normalization of women, can be more active contributors to new construction of sexual representations. Contemporary, a variety of feminist scholars have sought to understand how alternative spectator positions, including a feminine gaze, can function to resist patriarchy and affirm womens perspective and experiences. Exposing the disciplining of female sexuality embedded in our cultural knowledge, writers of new fairy tales try to introduce a dominant female gaze resisting the position of women under patriarchy. It matters a lot because their reviving, rewriting, retelling, or cross-writing of fairy tales first re- discipline our knowledge of gender roles and female sexuality in cultural discourses ND Grill (1987) explain what is at stake: When we are armed with knowledge of how power relations operate in a discursive to choose whether or not to accept the influence of the formation, we are more able power in the system, how to garner more power as rhetoric in the system, and how to loosen the hold of the power over us. (p. 97) Understood more broadly, the rewritten fairy tales resistant gaze stands as a site of challenge to an entire network of cultural discourses represents a site of resistance to disciplinary power that constitute a patriarchal pontific and demand that male sexuality be understood from a heterosexual masculine point-of-view. Also, education meanings are contained in the details of the fairy tale. The fairy tale is not pointing to the external reality but focusing on the s ubconscious formation and development of childrens individual. The childrens colonization is mainly sourced from fairy tales and religious stories. As Ursula K. El Gun said in The Child and the Shadow (1974): The great fantasies, myths and tales are indeed like dreams: they speak from the unconscious to the unconscious, in the language of the unconscious ?symbol and archetype. .. They are profoundly meaningful, and usable?practical ?in terms of ethics; of insight; of growth (IPPP). Fairy tales are received, circulated, and consumed today through books, cottons and especially movies. Though weve in media frequently. Feminist film scholar Laura Mulled (1975) theorized that a dominant male gaze structures mainstream Hollywood films and invites the viewer to identify with male protagonists and to marginality and objectify women. In those films revised from old fairy tales like Black Swan(2010) still disciplined by a patriarchal pontific some ways. In the story, Nina only notices that she goes home with her friend Lily. She believes that she asked Lily to come with her to home and Nina drags her to her bedroom. Nina is fantasizing about making love with Lily at that time. Such images implicitly convey that the most desirable and acceptable form of female-female sexuality is that which pleases and plays to the heterosexual male gaze. Though weve made great strides in literature (one of the many successes to celebrate during Womens History Month), that same outdated belief continues to affect women writers. Perhaps recognizing some of the more famous writers who mound success after eschewing their male pseudonyms will show that a woman doesnt need a mans name to set the literary world ablaze. Joanne Rolling O. K. Rolling) Anyone who doubts that theres still a double standard in the publishing industry doesnt know his or her Harry Potter history. Rolling was told by her publisher that her series wouldnt be as popular among boys if it was penned by a woman. She used a set of initials instead (not even her own, since she has no middle name) and as we all know, the Harry Potter books catapulted in popularity even after her gender was revealed.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Biography of Daniel Morgan, U.S. Brigadier General
Biography of Daniel Morgan, U.S. Brigadier General Daniel Morgan (July 6, 1736–July 6, 1802) rose from humble beginnings to become one of the Continental Armys finest tacticians and leaders. The son of Welsh immigrants, he initially saw service in the French and Indian War as a teamster before putting his marksmanship skills to use as a colonial ranger. With the beginning of the American Revolution, Morgan assumed command of a rifle company and soon saw action outside of Boston and during the invasion of Canada. In 1777, he and his men played a key role at the Battle of Saratoga. Fast Facts: Daniel Morgan Known For: As a leader of the Continental Army, Morgan led the Americans to victory during the Revolutionary War.Born: July 6, 1736 in Hunterdon County, New JerseyParents: James and Eleanor MorganDied: July 6, 1802 in Winchester, VirginiaSpouse: Abigail Curry Early Life Born on July 6, 1736, Daniel Morgan was the fifth child of James and Eleanor Morgan. Of Welsh extraction, he is believed to have been born in Lebanon Township, Hunterdon County, New Jersey. He left home around 1753 after a bitter argument with his father. Crossing into Pennsylvania, Morgan initially worked around Carlisle before moving down the Great Wagon Road to Charles Town, Virginia. An avid drinker and fighter, he was employed in various trades in the Shenandoah Valley before beginning a career as a teamster. French and Indian War With the beginning of the French and Indian War, Morgan found employment as a teamster for the British Army. In 1755, he and his cousin Daniel Boone took part in Major General Edward Braddocks ill-fated campaign against Fort Duquesne, which ended in a stunning defeat at the Battle of the Monongahela. Also part of the expedition were two of his future commanders in Lieutenant Colonel George Washington and Captain Horatio Gates. Morgan encountered difficulty the following year when taking supplies to Fort Chiswell. Having irritated a British lieutenant, Morgan was made irate when the officer struck him with the flat of his sword. In response, Morgan knocked the lieutenant out with one punch. Court-martialed, Morgan was sentenced to 500 lashes. He developed a hatred for the British Army. Two years later, Morgan joined a colonial ranger unit that was attached to the British. Morgan was badly injured while returning to Winchester from Fort Edward. Nearing Hanging Rock, he was struck in the neck during a Native American ambush; the bullet knocked out several teeth before exiting his left cheek. Boston With the outbreak of the American Revolution after the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the Continental Congress called for the formation of 10 rifle companies to aid in the Siege of Boston. In response, Virginia formed two companies and command of one was given to Morgan. He departed Winchester with his troops on July 14, 1775. Morgans riflemen were expert marksmen who employed long rifles, which were more accurate than the standard Brown Bess muskets used by the British. Invasion of Canada Later in 1775, Congress approved an invasion of Canada and tasked Brigadier General Richard Montgomery with leading the main force north from Lake Champlain. To support this effort, Colonel Benedict Arnold convinced the American commander, General George Washington, to send a second force north through the Maine wilderness to aid Montgomery. Washington gave him three rifle companies, collectively led by Morgan, to augment his force. Departing Fort Western on September 25, Morgans men endured a brutal march north before finally joining up with Montgomery near Quebec. Attacking the city on December 31, the American column led by Montgomery halted when the general was killed early in the fighting. In the Lower Town, Arnold sustained a wound to his leg, leading Morgan to take command of their column. Pushing forward, the Americans advanced through the Lower Town and paused to await Montgomerys arrival. Unaware that Montgomery was dead, their halt allowed the defenders to recover. Morgan and many of his men were later captured by Governor Sir Guy Carletons forces. Held as a prisoner until September 1776, Morgan was initially paroled before being formally exchanged in January 1777. Battle of Saratoga After rejoining Washington, Morgan found that he had been promoted to colonel in recognition of his actions at Quebec. He was later assigned to lead the Provisional Rifle Corps, a special 500-man formation of light infantry. After conducting attacks against General Sir William Howes forces in New Jersey during the summer, Morgan received orders to take his command north to join Major General Horatio Gates army near Albany. Arriving on August 30, he began taking part in operations against Major General John Burgoynes army, which was advancing south from Fort Ticonderoga. Morgans men pushed Burgoynes Native American allies back to the main British lines. On September 19, Morgan and his command played a key role as the Battle of Saratoga began. Taking part in the engagement at Freemans Farm, Morgans men joined with Major Henry Dearborns light infantry. Under pressure, his men rallied when Arnold arrived on the field and the two inflicted heavy losses on the British before retiring to Bemis Heights. On October 7, Morgan commanded the left wing of the American line as the British advanced on Bemis Heights. Again working with Dearborn, Morgan helped to defeat this attack and then led his men forward in a counterattack that saw American forces capture two key redoubts near the British camp. Increasingly isolated and lacking supplies, Burgoyne surrendered on October 17. The victory at Saratoga was the turning point of the conflict and led to the French signing the Treaty of Alliance (1778). Monmouth Campaign Marching south after the triumph, Morgan and his men rejoined Washingtons army on November 18 at Whitemarsh, Pennsylvania, and then entered the winter encampment at Valley Forge. Over the next several months, his command conducted scouting missions, skirmishing occasionally with the British. In June 1778, Morgan missed the Battle of Monmouth Court House when Major General Charles Lee failed to apprise him of the armys movements. Though his command did not take part in the fighting, it did pursue the retreating British and captured both prisoners and supplies. Following the battle, Morgan briefly commanded Woodfords Virginia Brigade. Eager for a command of his own, he was excited to learn that a new light infantry brigade was being formed. Morgan was largely apolitical and had never worked to cultivate a relationship with Congress. As a result, he was passed over for promotion to brigadier general and leadership of the new formation went to Brigadier General Anthony Wayne. Going South The following year Gates was placed in command of the Southern Department and asked Morgan to join him. Morgan expressed concern that his usefulness would be limited as many militia officers in the region would outrank him and asked Gates to recommend his promotion to Congress. After learning of Gates defeat at the Battle of Camden in August, 1780, Morgan decided to return to the field and began riding south. In Hillsborough, North Carolina, Morgan was given command of a corps of light infantry on October 2. Eleven days later, he was finally promoted to brigadier general. For much of the fall, Morgan and his men scouted the region between Charlotte and Camden, South Carolina. On December 2, command of the department passed to Major General Nathanael Greene. Increasingly pressured by Lieutenant General Lord Charles Cornwalliss forces, Greene elected to divide his army, with Morgan commanding one part, in order to give it time to rebuild after the losses incurred at Camden. While Greene withdrew north, Morgan was instructed to campaign in the South Carolina back country with the goal of building support for the cause and irritating the British. Specifically, his orders were to to give protection to that part of the country, spirit up the people, to annoy the enemy in that quarter. Quickly recognizing Greenes strategy, Cornwallis dispatched a mixed cavalry-infantry force led by Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton after Morgan. After eluding Tarleton for three weeks, Morgan turned to confront him on January 17, 1781. Battle of Cowpens Deploying his forces in a pasture area known as the Cowpens, Morgan formed his men in three lines. It was his goal to have the first two lines slow the British before withdrawing and forcing Tarletons weakened men to attack uphill against the Continentals. Understanding the limited resolve of the militia, he requested they fire two volleys before withdrawing to the left and reforming to the rear. Once the enemy was halted, Morgan intended to counterattack. In the resulting Battle of Cowpens, Morgans plan worked and the Americans ultimately crushed Tarletons command. Routing the enemy, Morgan won perhaps the Continental Armys most decisive tactical victory of the war. Death In 1790, Morgan was presented with a gold medal by Congress in recognition of his victory at Cowpens. After the war, he attempted to run for Congress in 1794. Though his initial efforts failed, he was elected in 1797 and served one term before his death in 1802. Morgan was buried in Winchester, Virginia. Legacy Morgan was considered one of the most skilled tacticians of the Continental Army. A number of statues have been erected in his honor, and in 2013 his Winchester, Virginia, home was made a designated historic place.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Consumer behavior Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Consumer behavior - Research Paper Example The activities may include where and how people purchase commodities. The purchaser plays both the role of a user, financier and buyer of a product. This unit examines the comparison and distinction between consumer behavior models in Canada and Saudi Arabia and tries to answer if universal consumer behaviors are present in all cultures. Consumer behavior models are vastly used in the prediction of product advertisement by marketers in Saudi Arabia and Canada. Consumer behavior techniques help marketers in manipulating the attitudes of a consumer in purchasing a product in both countries. The objective for this paper is to analyze evaluate and contrast the consumer behavior and Canada. Cooperate credibility plays a crucial role in the influencing of consumer behavior models in Saudi Arabia. Secondly, Advertisement has a force in the consumer behavior models in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is recognized to be the chief advertising market in the Middle East, and this is exceedingly depicted in its consumer behavior. Lastly, Literature assessment also influences the consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia, since it influences how consumer behavior like attitude towards a product. Internet economy plays a crucial function in pressuring the consumer behavior models in Canada. The internet economy is responsible for the lag or de velopment in the consumer behavior models in the country like in the online retail transaction. The lag in Canada may be closed by a better internet economy like the Google, since Canadians will be able to market their products online. The negative slope noticed in the consumer behavior model, in Canada, may be as a result of the reluctant nature of the small and medium scale businesses. The consumer behavior model in Canada can be changed if their government creates incentives like the internet economy to impersonation. Saudi’s population is a highly sociable and interact able population. The majority of the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
John Waller Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
John Waller - Essay Example The musical techniques which Waller follows reflect the philosophies and cultural associations that he holds. Specifically, Waller focuses on uplifting music that is based on religious beliefs of Christianity. The musical techniques which Waller uses establish the same ideas and theories while helping to create stronger recognition of Christian music and expressions with the use of musical ideas. Examining six of the songs of Waller also develops a deeper understanding of the musical representations of Waller. The first song analyzed is â€Å"Identity†from the CD â€Å"The Blessing.†The concept of this is based on one finding their identity in God and Jesus while practicing different Christian beliefs in terms of what one’s true identity is. The structure is the first musical technique which highlights this. The structure is verse, chorus, verse, chorus. The verse has a specific set of chords that continue throughout the song. This combines with a change in the chorus to chords that are higher than the chorus to highlight the lyrics of â€Å"So you are, So I am†¦ I Am You.†The chords and the movement up are able to highlight the concept of identity with the song. The rhythm follows this with a steady rock beat in 4/4. This moves at a medium – fast pace to create a feeling of happiness throughout the song. This continues with the arrangement of music, including the bass, electronic guitar and drums. Each of these moves at a medium – fast pace to keep with the same idea. When one listens to this song, there is a sense of being happy and at peace with the concept of identity while establishing a different understanding of how the idea of being Christian and with Christ is one which reflects in happiness and peace. The second song, â€Å"The Blessing,†also from the CD â€Å"The Blessing†holds similar connotations as the first. The rhythm is in a fast four or 2/4 that is a part of the piece. The arran gement includes electronic guitar, piano, synthesizer, bass and drums. The introduction has a louder dynamic and seems to move faster. The first verse then moves at a slower pace with only a background drum holding the beat while the words and singing is highlighted. The same louder sound then comes back in for the second verse to make a louder sound and to highlight the idea of â€Å"let it be said of us.†The song is able to use these louder and softer differences to create a sense of motivation among others while the faster rock sound creates a movement of happiness and of being lifting. After the first verse and between the chorus, the sound becomes slightly louder to highlight the main message. The chords at this point move to a higher range to use the technique of motivation as the main highlight and to bring out the main hook of the song â€Å"be a blessing in life.†The music then moves back to the verse with the same chord change. When this occurs, the chorus seems to be more uplifting while the verses lead into this highlight and set of changes. The last part of the bridge is one that slightly alters by slowing down the rhythm accompaniment while moving faster with the lyrics. The faster rhythm and pauses then highlights the song. When this moves back to the chorus it is able to highlight the main message. The song ends with a coda that has a slower pace with the singing and similar chord change to highlight the motivational points of the song. The techniques of the song then work to create highlights that motivate the message of â€Å"being a blessing for life†. The third song, â€Å"Still Calls Me Son†from the CD â€Å"The
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Letter on Intent Essay Example for Free
Letter on Intent Essay For 2 years I have been involved with the fitness industry as a Zumba Fitness Instructor. It has brought people, communities, and entire regions together through dance. Zumba Fitness brightens lives, invigorates souls, and brings good will to all those who attend classes. Now being able to share my love for fitness with the students of Northern Arizona University by enriching their lives with having a great time while exercising is what I look for as in instructor. Though the constant efforts that is behind the fitness program, I want to enhance my professional development as a group fitness instructor by being given the opportunity to learn and grow as an individual. AFAA Primary Group Exercise will help me increase the awareness of fitness education and its benefits to individuals and communities. As our classes increase as a whole, I want to be aware of each individual and their safety is always a priority. I may only have only 2 years in the fitness industry but I believe it is the right time to enhance my knowledge. Zumba fitness brings all types of age ranges to classes and being aware of that is the most important. in the future I would like to keep an open range and explore more formats, but education of fitness is the first thing to do before I can keep opening up opportunities in the fitness industry. With your generous support in helping me attend AFAA Primary Group Exercise Certification, I will continue to nourish our community and keep our classes strong for years to come. Thank you and I look forward continuing working with you.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Symbols and Subversion in 13 Happiness Street Essay -- 13 Happiness Str
"13 Happiness Street" is a political satire which relies largely on the subversion of conventional symbols to convey its message. By subversion, I mean the process by which Bei Dao uses unconventional meanings of conventional symbols to undermine accepted literary norms. That is, he offers in place of the common associations of a symbol, another symbolic association that draws its meaning from the context of the narrative. Indeed, the very meaning of the narrative is couched in the language of metaphors and symbols. It is here that the author constructs a narrative using conventional symbols which play upon and also against the reader's expectations. Before we examine the means by which the author subverts the archetypal notions of symbols, it is first imperative to understand how these symbols stand in relation to the narrative and the reader. Symbols find their place within a narrative through a conscious desire of the author to create a pattern of meaning, while the reader on the other hand, attempts to re-construct these meanings by drawing upon conventional associations with events. Conventional symbols are thus internalized in our mental consciousness and associated with what we take to be their predisposed meanings. That is, our minds works to form preconceived mental pictures of what these symbols should universally represent. "13 Happiness Street" is thus a narrative that gains much of its significance through the subversion of conventional symbols against our expectations. The subversion of the archetypal symbol takes place within various levels of the narrative, the first being the immediate layer of the narrative itself, and the second being the symbols within the narrative. I shall first discuss how Bei Dao subv... ...the dichotomy between the said and the implied. On the surface, it may seem to be a story that ends inconclusively about a boy who is never found, but the use of multifarious symbols each bringing with them a string of other meanings contributes to the symbolic richness of his prose. Works Cited Bei Dao, "13 Happiness Street." Contemporary Literature of Asia. Ed. Arthur Biddle et al. Blair: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996. 280-291. Chatman, Seymour, "Existents." Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1978. 107-126, 131-145. Todorov, Tzvetan. "Two Principles in Narrative." Genres in Discourse. Trans. Catherine Porter. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 27-30. Holden, Philip. "Aristotle on Plot". 26 Nov. 2000. University Scholars Programme. 1 Aug. 2001 http://www.scholars.nus.edu.sg/literature/ccla01/aristotleplot.html>.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Underage Driving
TEEN TRAFFIC Attention! Attention! Attention! If you are a teenager or a parent of one then – it is a MUST for you to read on. It is very important for you to know that driving and especially underage driving is a potentially â€Å"risky activity†. Nowadays, in the times of modernization and the exposure, the teenagers are getting, they find it difficult to resist the temptation of driving before the right age. Due to peer pressure and to look cool, most teenagers start driving at an early age.It gives them a feeling of invincibility, freedom and independence. But is this rosy world of teens as beautiful as they think it is? Well, let’s see. It is true that anyone driving on the roads is quite in danger of meeting with an accident and teens between the ages of 16 yrs to 19 yrs are more vulnerable to it. The reason being that they are the most inexperienced when it comes to matters of the road. It has been found that the most number of people jumping a red light, taking illegal turns or driving with too many pillion riders are teens.Compare and Contrast Driving in the Winter and Driving in the SummerThey are even found wanting in the use of seat belts. Teens are the ones who usually meet with more number of accidents due to their immaturity as they often underestimate the seriousness or danger involved in a situation. They are wild by nature and high in spirits and also quite carefree. The fact that they are breaking rules and still not getting caught gives them a feeling of boldness. They often wear an attitude that says – ‘I can get away with anything and everything†.But ask the families who have lost one of their dear ones due to road accidents and are suffering now but also repenting at the same time due to their only mistake of allowing their young child to drive prematurely. Well, the fact remains that parents who allow their kids to drive on the roads whether, only for making their lives easy as the teens have to ru sh from their schools to tuition classes, don’t even think twice about its consequences. Statistics say that 1400 adolescents died due to underage driving in India in the year 1999 and the numbers keep increasing drastically every year.I feel that the leniency of the traffic police and negligence of the parents is the main cause of this problem. I don’t understand why is it so difficult for the traffic police to keep a check on underage driving as anyone in a school uniform driving a vehicle is underage. Traffic rules should be carefully explained and strictly enforced in all places. The police should be strict and should levy heavy fines on the offenders. Parents should also guide their wards in obeying traffic rules.The teenagers should be made to realize that driving is full of responsibilities and is a very serious issue. It involves the safety of not only their lives but also the other traffickers. The most important thing is that if the parents set an example by obeying traffic laws then their children will respect the law too. The schools can also contribute by making the students aware of the dangers involved in driving and the responsibility that comes with it. I feel that a combined effort of the police, parents and the schools will certainly help to reduce this problem to a great extent. Underage Driving TEEN TRAFFIC Attention! Attention! Attention! If you are a teenager or a parent of one then – it is a MUST for you to read on. It is very important for you to know that driving and especially underage driving is a potentially â€Å"risky activity†. Nowadays, in the times of modernization and the exposure, the teenagers are getting, they find it difficult to resist the temptation of driving before the right age. Due to peer pressure and to look cool, most teenagers start driving at an early age.It gives them a feeling of invincibility, freedom and independence. But is this rosy world of teens as beautiful as they think it is? Well, let’s see. It is true that anyone driving on the roads is quite in danger of meeting with an accident and teens between the ages of 16 yrs to 19 yrs are more vulnerable to it. The reason being that they are the most inexperienced when it comes to matters of the road. It has been found that the most number of people jumping a red light, taking illegal turns or driving with too many pillion riders are teens.Compare and Contrast Driving in the Winter and Driving in the SummerThey are even found wanting in the use of seat belts. Teens are the ones who usually meet with more number of accidents due to their immaturity as they often underestimate the seriousness or danger involved in a situation. They are wild by nature and high in spirits and also quite carefree. The fact that they are breaking rules and still not getting caught gives them a feeling of boldness. They often wear an attitude that says – ‘I can get away with anything and everything†.But ask the families who have lost one of their dear ones due to road accidents and are suffering now but also repenting at the same time due to their only mistake of allowing their young child to drive prematurely. Well, the fact remains that parents who allow their kids to drive on the roads whether, only for making their lives easy as the teens have to ru sh from their schools to tuition classes, don’t even think twice about its consequences. Statistics say that 1400 adolescents died due to underage driving in India in the year 1999 and the numbers keep increasing drastically every year.I feel that the leniency of the traffic police and negligence of the parents is the main cause of this problem. I don’t understand why is it so difficult for the traffic police to keep a check on underage driving as anyone in a school uniform driving a vehicle is underage. Traffic rules should be carefully explained and strictly enforced in all places. The police should be strict and should levy heavy fines on the offenders. Parents should also guide their wards in obeying traffic rules.The teenagers should be made to realize that driving is full of responsibilities and is a very serious issue. It involves the safety of not only their lives but also the other traffickers. The most important thing is that if the parents set an example by obeying traffic laws then their children will respect the law too. The schools can also contribute by making the students aware of the dangers involved in driving and the responsibility that comes with it. I feel that a combined effort of the police, parents and the schools will certainly help to reduce this problem to a great extent.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Human resource development is one of the most challenging tasks of running any business in the present world of competition and globalization. The level of motivation depends greatly on how much focus company gives to understanding the need and the demographics of the company. It is very important to have well-motivated employees, because the motivated employees will probably work harder, and likely produce a higher quality of work; especially for a retail company. Motivation comes from heart and mind; it is an internal process which determines the success and adaptability of an employee within the business environment. It is very important that steps should be taken to strengthen this within the staff. This would require effort on the part of the organization to come up with steps to find out and research about ways in which employees a can be motivated. An organization needs a systematic methodologies based on sound research philosophy. A good research philosophy should be based on positive- scientific approach where analysis is based on factors which can be verified by statistics. Another, aspect of the research could be based on exploring the circumstances or the situations. Based on these two philosophies information should be gathered. The purpose is to research the different motivational factors that affect sales people in the client organization. The research approach should be selected to suit the nature of the company. The research approach can be deductive- based on testing the theory or inductive –based on building the theory. The inductive theory with emphasis on qualitative research should be the focus of research. The environment and the demographics of the company should be considered. The study should use qualitative research. In qualitative research the events could be studied in their natural surroundings. The data can be obtained by exploring the circumstances or the situations. The data for this research comes from the secondary sources. Secondary data is more accurate than the primary data, and is also most economical and easy way of accessing information. The process requires the past and the recent researcher’s studies including books and journals, the internet, newspaper as some of the main sources for secondary data research. This information is very useful and provides comprehensive understanding of the issue. The research analysis is conducted after gathering and analyzing data. The emphasis is on the size and the nature of the respondents. The respondents were randomly selected. All the salespeople from different brands were asked to participate in the survey. The primary source of the survey is through interview. Ten shops have been chosen as target interviewees in different districts. The interview is designed to be done face to face. The time selected for interview is lunch hour. The questionnaires have been put together, which are to be collected after the interview. All data which is collected is confidential. The method employed in this research is through the questionnaire survey. A comprehensive list of question is prepared which could target the employee’s personal information aspect as well as the motivation aspect. The targeted interviewee’s are the staff below manager level. The aim is to evaluate relationship between pay and motivation. The question is prepared in simple and clear language, Chinese version is also made available to help in understanding. Every effort is taken to avoid misunderstanding. The first part of the questionnaire gives personal information of the staff. The personal information related to the employees will reflect that information which gives information about them like, age, sex, education level and years of service with a particular facility or organization. This personal information is very essential for the selection of the right person for the right job. If the person is selected to perform a particular job for which he is suitable, this will lead to the growth of the company as well as the employee. His education a level and his experience plays a key role in determining the nature of his job. His age should be considered in deciding if he can take the amount of work related stress and strain. His gender would give him/ her a certain way of thinking which may help or hinder the kind of commitment. It requires careful selection based on these factors, to really find the right person with good motivation who can work with the company for the long-term. The second part of the questionnaire focuses on the motivational factors or preferences based on eleven questions. These questions are ranked as highest to least desirable as far as motivation is concerned. They take into account he factors which determine motivation. It is important to understand what offer can the company make to raise the motivation level of its employees. If everyone feels that they are equally treated as far as company policy is concerned with regard age, sex, ethnicity, and disability. If the employee’s are well compensated with benefits, holidays, allowances and health benefits determined by their personal qualification. They will be happy to work for the company. The company should make an effort to find out through survey about How the Employee’s feel about working for the company. It is very important to have a motivated workforce with proper training, education and development for success in the present economy. This part of the survey has been evaluated in the following survey done to address the employees’ response. It is very important to have authentic data, which can help research and analyze the motivation factors existing in the retail industry. Data should be collected from the literatures, journals, newspapers and the internet. The research is also aimed to analyze the internal motivation factors with information collected from staff interviews, official website and the staff handbook. The research and the analysis of the survey results combined with the statistical applications allow for the researcher to draw conclusion based on the objectives of the study. Ethical issues regarding the confidentiality of the information should also be carefully observed. The information should be well guarded. The participants should trust the source of their survey. Then only can one obtain authentic and honest information. There are certain limitations to this method of survey; the information may change from day to day. In the process of research it is difficult to update the information on a continuous basis, until the final study is finished. Thus this kind of research imposes that there be date beyond which information cannot be used. This can be a handicap. Some of the information which has been collected is found in Chinese, this will require time for translation. Sometimes the meaning can get lost in the process of translation. Though the study tries it’s best to translate the original meanings from the original meanings. These surveys are critical to the analysis and the discussion of the motivation level of the people working for the retail company. This beautifully classifies the personal qualification which determines the level of their position within the company. Once the employees and employers know each others strength, they find where the right person can be placed for the right kind of job. Even an employee can be trained if interested for a particular job to which he may have better liking. If employer treats every employee with equal opportunity, the employee will work hard and with sincerity. It is very important to maintain that balance and motivation to keep a well trained workforce. If the employees are asked to respond to particular question as mentioned in the survey, they will feel they have important role and participation within the company. This will make them more confident about their future and make them more motivated. So accurate personal evaluation, good benefits and reward system will keep the motivation level high. These methodologies help the company to find clear and defined ways to find suitable employees and also to retain them for long term. They can be a guideline for future decisions made by the company. It can also help company cone up with a reward system for positive consequences and penalties for negative consequences. The internal and unseen aspect of motivation can be developed with good training, proper developmental setup and secure future. The competition and the benefits can be planned in the light of the information gathered. This will further improve understanding between the employers and the employees for better teamwork. Works cited Human Resource Management, HR354, Professional Competence, The Management Report, Student Handbook, 2006/07   Â
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Essay on Chinese historyEssay Writing Service
Essay on Chinese historyEssay Writing Service Essay on Chinese history Essay on Chinese historyThe role of archaeology in changing and enriching our knowledge of Chinese history is hard to overestimate. On the one hand, archaeologists and historians receive unlimited resources for their scientific research. On the other hand, common people also get access to the enigmatic world of the bygone times.For example, the earliest Chinese vessels made of bronze tell much about the people who lived in the Yellow River valley about two thousand years before Christ. The complexity and elegance peculiar to the first simple wine cup testifies that the level of Chinese development in the second millennium B.C. was unsurpassed and seldom achieved by other cultures. The state of culture studied by other important archaeological findings proves that the first Chinese civilization culminated due to a strong centralized government. It has been also found out that the society was discretely stratified; architecture was elaborate with palaces prevailing; the system of writi ng was distinctive; religious rituals were numerous, and art forms were sophisticated. What is more, bronze was actively used even when the Iron Age began, and the majestic vessels made of bronze show how high technical accomplishments of the Chinese were. The vessels of exclusive beauty and complexity were applied during religious rituals and indicate wealth and honor of the Chinese rulers.Further on, the effect of life-sized terracotta figures buried with the Qin ruler is even more petrifying and challenging our knowledge of Chinese history and art. In the second century B.C. the lands of China were united together under the leadership of the First Emperor of Qin (Wilkinson 183). The latter constructed his own mausoleum employing about 700,000 laborers, and an army of about 7,000 clay warriors were buried with the Emperor. In this way, archaeology brings to life those who lived thousands of years ago and makes them talk with us in a whisper.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Write a Compelling, Informative News Lede
How to Write a Compelling, Informative News Lede The lede is the first paragraph of any news story. It’s also the most important part. The lede must accomplish three things: Give readers the main points of the story;Get readers interested in reading the story;Accomplish both â€Å"a†and â€Å"b†in as few words as possible. Typically, editors want ledes to be no longer than 35 to 40 words. Why so short? Readers want their news delivered quickly. A short lede does just that. What Goes in the Lede? For news stories, journalists use the inverted pyramid format, which features the five â€Å"W’s and the H†– who, what, where, when, why and how. Who – who is the story about?What – what is the story about?Where – where did the event you’re writing about occur?When – when did it occur?Why – why did this happen?How – how did this happen? Example 1: Let’s say you’re writing a story about a man who was injured when he fell off a ladder. Here are your five W’s and H: Who – the manWhat – he fell off a ladder while paintingWhere – at his houseWhen – yesterdayWhy – the ladder was ricketyHow – the rickety ladder broke So your lede might go something like this: A man was injured yesterday after falling from a rickety ladder which collapsed as he was painting his home. This sums up the main points of the story in just 19 words, which is all you need for the lede. Example 2: Let’s say you’re writing a story about a house fire in which three people suffer smoke inhalation. Here are your five W’s and H: Who – three peopleWhat – they suffered smoke inhalation and were hospitalized after a house fireWhere – at the houseWhen – yesterdayWhy – a man fell asleep smoking in bedHow – the cigarette ignited the mans mattress Heres how this lede might go: Three people were hospitalized for smoke inhalation yesterday from a house fire officials say was ignited when a man in the home fell asleep while smoking in bed. This lede clocks in at 28 words a little longer than the last one, but still short and to the point. Example 3: Heres something a bit more complicated. This is a story about a hostage situation. Here are your five W’s and H: Who – six people, one gunmanWhat – the gunman held six people hostage in a restaurant for two hours before surrendering to policeWhere – at Billy Bobs Barbecue JointWhen – last nightWhy – the gunman tried robbing the restaurant but police arrived before he could escapeHow – he ordered the six people into the kitchen Heres how this lede might go: A failed robbery of Billy Bob’s Barbeque last evening resulted in six being held hostage as police surrounded the building. The suspect surrendered without incident following a two-hour standoff. This lede is 29 words, which isnt bad for a story that has a bit more complexity to it. Write Ledes on Your Own Here are some examples to try on your own. Who – Barrett Bradley, the president of Centerville CollegeWhat – he announced tuition will be raised 5 percentWhere – at a gathering in the colleges amphitheaterWhen – yesterdayWhy – enrollment is dropping and the college is facing a $3 million deficitHow – he will ask the colleges board of trustees to approve the tuition hikeWho – Melvin Washington, point guard for the Centerville High School basketball teamWhat – he scores a record 48 points to lead the team to the state championship over the rival team at Roosevelt High SchoolWhere – in the schools gymnasiumWhen – last nightWhy – Washington is a gifted athlete who observers say has an NBA career ahead of himHow – he is a remarkably precise shooter who excels at making 3-pointersWho – Centerville Mayor Ed JohnsonWhat – he holds a press conference announcing he has a drinking problem and is stepping down from his postWhere – in his office at City HallWhen – todayWhy – Johnson says he is entering rehab to deal with his alcoholismHow – he will step down and deputy mayor Helen Peterson will take over
Sunday, November 3, 2019
EU Constitutional Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
EU Constitutional Law - Essay Example The frustration with integration theories was due to, first, the scope of the study of integration, second, the participants who were effectively engendering integration and third, the process or mechanism of integration. This approach indicated the importance of certain factors, which had been omitted in the initial assessment. Despite, rejection by the intergovernmental conference, the proposed introduction showed that the Convention's aim was to vitalize the idea of democracy. The democratic constitution of the European Communities was considered unimportant and unnecessary by many scholars who felt that an internal market endorsed individual freedom1. In spite of this, the EU's transformation from purely economic to political cooperation has necessitated such thinking. The Amsterdam Treaty2 has incorporated democracy as a fundamental value into the foundational treaties3. Article 2 of the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe4 (CT) lists democracy as a central value of the Union and Articles 1- 47 buttresses this notion under the title "The Democratic Life of the Union" as representative5 and participatory6 democracy. Although, the necessity of democratic governance is universally recognized its discourse, premises and content are frequently discussed7. The holistic approach is based on society and the assumption that there exists a common good which differs from the aggregate of all individual interests. The subject of legitimacy in the individualist position refers to the individual and hence, the aim of public policy is to promote individual interests. A state-centered collectivist approach deters further integration and limits decision-making to the national parliaments8. Hence, at the European level, the Council of Ministers have to play a vital role and from an individualistic perspective and the European Parliament, which represents the European citizenry is the main organ for obtaining democratic legitimacy9. Foundation. The holistic legitimacy concept justifies the state-centered democratic vision, which states that only national peoples are subjects of legitimacy. Since, minorities accept majority decisions only if the citizenry has a certain national homogeneity, legitimacy has to be derived from national parliaments. Hence, absence of a European demos is a hurdle to further integration. The legitimacy of the state-centered, collectivist approach is dubious as no relationship exists between society and the nation state10, which is independent of a national or homogenous group11 or a cultural, religious or social consensus. Constitutional Treaty and Legitimacy. Article 2 CT lists dignity and individual liberty in the Union's fundamental values with the individualistic concept of democracy being adopted theoretically and it accords center stage to the individual in the European legal order, which is further strengthened by the guarantee of equality prescribed in Articles 2 and 45 CT. These provisions grant European citizens equal rights, rendering mediation of citizen's rights by a state or nation unnecessary. Therefore, the guarantee of liberty and equality exemplify that the European Constitution is based on an individualistic concept of democracy12. Article 1 (1) CT, lists the will of the member states to build a common future beneath
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